Help me understand this. I have a percussion .54 cal Hawken and I use 80 grs of FFF Goex. When I used Wonder Lube,Bore Butter,Mink Oil and a few other "Grease Lubes" and I tried The "Dry" lube 4-1 up to 7-1 ratios. with ALL of these I have a hard time loading after the first shot and NEVER was I able to go more than 9 shots before I had to completely clean the barrel.After 9 shots my rifle would not go off.I tried a wet(damp) patch and a dry between shots,I tried I tried different amounts of wetness and even 2-3 dry patches between shots. Still no more than 9 shots, usually 6 shots, before I have to clean.Plus, I marked my ramrod to where a load is in a clean barrel. I get fouling build up ,quick, because each shot is a little less (deep?). This week I tried Lehigh Valley lube and all this changed. I fired 30 shots in a row .and let the last one sit in the barrell for 12 hours before firing.Absolutely NO problems! I loaded every shot with my Wood ramrod,easily.Never a hangfire or misfire.All loads loaded to the same depth.Cleanup was a breeze. But, I want to know WHY this happens? What is it about the other lubes that My rifle does not like? I appreciate any ideas on this.Thanks.