patch round ball remover

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40 Cal.
Sep 2, 2006
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I use only my wooden ram rod... and with the lead ball remover it does not leave me much off the rod outside the barrel to grip and to be able to screw in the remover.... would it be good th have a extention made that I could screw to the rod and than put the ball remover so I could have more of the rod sticking out to grab...would it be also easier to have a extension made wit a drill bit at the end so I could drill the lead ball so the ball remover would be easier to screw in...( my son is a machinist) please give me your way to remove the ball.....thank...
There are many types of T-handles and ramrod accessories that you can get for the job. Check the Members Resources in the top section of the forum index and then check Links.
If you're not too concerned about PC, a Co2 discharger might be the ticket.
I use a 49" 1/4" stainless range rod tapped for an 8-32 thread. This has been adequate to pull a ball if I had to. The only time I have to is if I manage to push the ball down on the breech face on a flinter.

You didn't mention what kind of rifle it was. If it is a percussion, or a flinter with a patent breech, it should be easy enough to pull the nipple and put some powder down the nipple hole or push it through the flashhole, replace the nipple and fire the ball out. It doesn't take much to pop the ball out. Three or four grains will suffice.
Mongrain Michel said:
I use only my wooden ram rod... and with the lead ball remover it does not leave me much off the rod outside the barrel to grip and to be able to screw in the remover.... would it be good th have a extention made that I could screw to the rod and than put the ball remover so I could have more of the rod sticking out to grab...would it be also easier to have a extension made wit a drill bit at the end so I could drill the lead ball so the ball remover would be easier to screw in...( my son is a machinist) please give me your way to remove the ball.....thank...
A commercial ball puller for the caliber in question is perfectly made for the job and not difficult to screw in at all...the key is having a "power handle" of some sort so you can in fact put the torque on it that's needed...either a T handle, or a 2" wooden ball that screws onto the end of the ramrod.

I always carry a T-handle when out hunting as it lies flat in the pouch...but at the range I use a large wooden ball as it's easier, faster, and more natural/comfortable in the hand for me.
ok for the wooden ball.... like the compressed air but I dont know if the thread on my pedersoli rocky mountain nipple will accept it and has for the powder in the nipple I quess it would be better to use 3 f for a bigger bang...thanks guy
I have a puller with a brass section which is just under bore diameter. This together with the muzzle protector on my steel rod helps to centralise the screw on the ball.....but rarely perfectly. I have a separate loading rod with a fixed handle (usual one has a handle which rotates) which helps screw into the ball.
However, a friend has just acquired a Safe-t unloader (CO2 discharger). Having used it I'm going to get one immediately - best thing I've come across for over comming "senior moments" when loading.
I agree with the previous approaches...T handle, commercial CO2 discharger, and air compressor. I just wanted to mention that I made a nice little adapter for my caplock out of a tubeless tire valve stem. I carved all the rubber off the metal insert that is molded inside it, then cleaned it up on a wire wheel. I then cut threads on the end to allow the insert to screw in where the nipple goes. I removed the Schraeder valve to give it a nice big hole to blow air into.
The discharge handle of my air hose has a tapered cone shaped rubber tip which I just press into the nipple seat or vent liner seat and ouch the trigger
I have two extention rods ,one short and one long. I like the shorter(2")one to carry. These are factory made. They fit TC rod ends. I have ball puller for every gun I have 32to54. These have the brass ring on them to center them.If your ball is soft you should be able to start them. I carry them in my bag to pull a lost patch so I don't need to carry the patch worm. Dilly
I have a big heavy T Handle. These days I use the CO2 discharger. They work great on Flinters or Cap guns. :thumbsup:
I saw an "old-timer" at a shoot who was using his rifle's rod to remove a dry ball. He had previously drilled a hole in the brass end of his rod, through which he stuck a 2" nail. On the other end was mounted the ball screw. He had the advantage of a T handle, with the same rod he regularly uses, and all for drilling a small hole in the rod. I haven't personally tried it, but it seems interesting.
While I have not dry balled YET, I have however, have been stuck due to large patches while cleaning/wiping.
I took a piece of leather thong, and once, a lenght of parachute cord,and put it on the endof the regular ramrod by means of a series of half hitch knots and either put a loop in the end and over my foot or tie off to a branch, limb or the rafter of theshootshed and pull directly, relying on no other human(geta better feel/pull) that way.
The thandle, with thread in adapters to fit either end of your rod is a good tool to keep in the bag or range box though!

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