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Jul 7, 2007
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The world famous Salt Horn is a part of many re-enactor's food staples, but what other COMMON food spice's,dried herbs or minerals were used by our forefathers, before the time of OLD BAY seasoning?....one of my favorites by the way!

horner75 said:
The world famous Salt Horn is a part of many re-enactor's food staples, but what other COMMON food spice's,dried herbs or minerals were used by our forefathers, before the time of OLD BAY seasoning?....one of my favorites by the way!


Red pepper, black pepper, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger just to name a few in the spices category.
common food spices--hmmm that really is a wide open question Rick. Much would depend on how far out on the frontier you would be. In cities n larger towns many of the spices that Blackhand mentioned would be available if you had the wealth to purchase them. The farther out on the edges n less monies ya had the fewer the options. For a dirt farmer I would not hesitate to stick with just salt n pepper with maybe some herbs tossed in for a bit more flavor. Spices in foods back when, were much different then today, what we use now for desserts was used for their main dishs n meat dishs then.If your a woods running type, then salt by itself would be your mainstay while out n about. Not real varied flavor wise but the reality of history is they didn't have a whole lot of options on the frontiers. No Acme's or Shop-Rite down the street to hit before they went out. :nono: :wink: :wink:
Seems to me that many folks, even the townsfolk, had an herb garden. Many items that we call spices today are actually herbs...basil, rosemary, sage, thyme, celery seed, etc. Herbs were used not only as seasoning but also for home remedies, etc. Shouldn't take much research into period recipes and such to find commonly used herbs for your time period and location. I found this one with a quick web search...
18th Century NJ Herb Garden
there was indeed dried herbs available but few frontiersmen packed many unless in a large party with pack animals carrying cookware.
paprika and other dried/ground pepper, sage, celery seed, dried onion/garlic and such were fairly common in frontier towns and inns. this was packed in tins w/tight lids. but as stated only salt&pepper were considered essential.

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