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Good gun to pass up. I got  one of those Itaian jobs. A couple of months ago at a Rondevous.  I wish I still had my $525.00.  Several problems.  The barrel had an overboard spot you could feel it when swabbing the bore and when loading it.  The touch hole sits in the bottom of the flash pan. And I learned the hard way. When your loading with 3f powder. Close the frizzen so it will self prime.  Otherwise  you loose most or all your powder.  There is a nice gap between the lock bolster and barrel.  To capture spilt powder under the lock. I removed the barrel to put in a touchhole liner.  And found out a previous owner  had broken  the tang right through the thin tang screw hole. ( they glued the loose end in to the stock  with contact cement).    I'm going to see if I can get the lock to work better so it will spark reliable. Ang I'm going to rebarrel it. With a corlian barrel.  It will be some work to widen out the barrel channel  in the stock. Original was metric width. Now is imperial.  It's been on the back burner.  While I put together  a couple of Kiblers.

   So agrivation has made me go get something better.   I'm working up my load on a Kibler SMR, and a woods runner is nearring the finishing stage.

So my advice is skip the Pedersoli  and. get something of better workmanship. Because not everyone can win at the Pedersoli  lottery.  And get the good rifle.
