Peep Sights

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40 Cal.
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Looking to put peeps on my Hawken. My question is about the rear sight. Where does it go? Same place as the old sight or should it go farther back? Like behind the hammer?

Your thoughts please.
It will mount on the rear of the barrel and tang which will need to be tapped if not already done so.

Which Hawken? T/C?
Looking to put peeps on my Hawkins. My question is about the rear sight. Where does it go? Same place as the old sight or should it go farther back? Like behind the hammer?

Your thoughts please.
There should be a screw in the breech tang that is used to mount the rear sight. I think most makers put it in there guns. TC and Lyman do not sure about others.
Peeps usually mount close to your eye.
It goes back behind the hammer on the tang.

Lehigh posted right before me :curse:

That is what I thought but I knew that I could a positive from here. Thanks to all for the response.
I installed on my t/c flinter and my New Englander t/c hunter peep sight.I would say the best poistion for the peep is about 1/2" back on the tang from the first (front)screw,so two new holes will have to drilled and tap.I would first tape the peep sight and see how easy it will be to pick up the rear sight and also see what adjustment is left incase you have to move the rear sight left or right ,up or down.I found if you use the rear screw on the tang you have to dig into the stock to pick up the rear sight. :redthumb:
Lehigh posted right before me :curse:
Got to be fast around here, ya snooze ya lose. :crackup:
3 of us replied within 3 minutes Not a bad response time :thumbsup:
hey lonewolf is that you....from N.Y....ya said ya would be moving down there....but ya should be able to keep ya id name here....or yer someone different if so sorry...............bob
Yep: Bob that me had a little problem getting on the forum just change the last numbers,How bye you ,heard you guy's got a lot of the white stuff called SNOW
How did you make out on that special anterless hunt in Feb:
The weather down here is not bad tee shirt weather,went to the beach to=day :redthumb:
Yep: Bob that me had a little problem getting on the forum just change the last numbers,How bye you ,heard you guy's got a lot of the white stuff called SNOW
How did you make out on that special anterless hunt in Feb:
The weather down here is not bad tee shirt weather,went to the beach to=day :redthumb:

So you've now moved permanently? Welcome to NC!
Welcome to the Tar Heel are in one fine spot for good seafood! Hank

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