Percussion caps

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45 Cal.
Dec 5, 2004
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Dear friends,I have always used RWS musket caps and number 11 caps.I'm having a difficult time acquiring them.I am hearing rumors they will not be available due to importation restrictions.Therefore i would like to consider a domestic supply.I would like to hear from people familiar with the CCI brand musket caps and their #11 caps.I have heard on other websites they have a problem with misfires,is this so?Also I am hearing their #11 are'nt the same size as rws caps.Thanks in advance,best regards,J.A.
I have had a few problems with CCI caps over the years. I prefer Remington but they're getting harder to find too. As for being different sizes, I don't think the companies ever standardized on size, so everyone's #11's are slightly different. Best bet is to try a can of everything you can find and see what works for your guns. Some folks have no trouble with CCI and others have a lot of trouble. I have had good luck in the old days with CVA caps, but most everyone I talked to had trouble with them.
RWS No. 1075 (do they make any other size) caps are not the same size as any other caps I've measured. Here are the numbers, in inches (first is inside diameter at the opening, second is overall length, and 3 decimal precision is NOT the case - they are probably +/- 0.002 or 0.003):

CCI 10----0.160----0.160
CCI 11----0.166----0.162
Rem 10----0.167----0.168
Rem 11----0.166----0.145
RSW 1075--0.165----0.154

Those numbers are averages, of about 20 examples of each brand/size. However, each set was from one tin, so just one manufacturing batch. Others have gotten different numbers, suggesting that the dimensions can vary greatly over different batches of the same brand and size. Or it could be due to different measurement techniques or instruments out of calibration. These are, after all small numbers, and the inside diameter at the opening measurement is very difficult with a caliper.
All we ever use is CCI's and had no problem at all. Once we tried a tin of Remingtons, and ended up tossing them because of miss fires.
I have been using the new hotter Remingtons and they are good so far. Dilly
I'm a newbie and haven't had years of experience yet, but I have been buying Rem's #11 caps since I started (that's what they carry at Cabela's which is close to me) and have yet to have a misfire. From everything I have read on here, a lot of things like the nipple, how much peening it has had, orientation of hammer-to-cap, etc. can make a difference in consistent firing. Good luck in finding your goal.
I'm with Deano. The mix of the cap and the nipple is more important than the cap itself. In our area at least, it's easy to find the CCIs and the others are scarce. A little experimenting gave me nipples that worked great with them. The factory Lyman nipples for their GPR and their replacements (6 x .75mm BTW) were problematic, while they worked fine with a bud's last stock of Remington caps. I've tried both Red Hot and Butler Creek nipples and they're fine with CCI. I bet I could spend a few minutes with fine sandpaper and make the Lymans okay, too. And yes, as nipples wear and flatten, they get less reliable. Sandpaper or a file solves that, too.
Jack Aubrey said:
Dear friends,I have always used RWS musket caps and number 11 caps.I'm having a difficult time acquiring them.I am hearing rumors they will not be available due to importation restrictions.Therefore i would like to consider a domestic supply.I would like to hear from people familiar with the CCI brand musket caps and their #11 caps.I have heard on other websites they have a problem with misfires,is this so?Also I am hearing their #11 are'nt the same size as rws caps.Thanks in advance,best regards,J.A.

Although I prefer RWS I've used CCI Musket caps ALOT and have not had ANY problems with them at all....they are just fine. :thumbsup:
Thanks for the input gentlemen.I had purchased a tin of CCI no.11's back in the early 1990's and it failed to fire so I had not used any since.I was poking about on the internet till the wee hours and found a place that sells CCI musket caps and no.11's in batches of 1000 and 5000 however having had that previous experience I was'nt so sure if it were a bargain or no.I will take your advice and buy a few tins of each and test for fit.Thanks guys,Best regards,J.A.
Haven't seen RWS caps in a while. Been using Remington and CCI with good results. The old CCI's use to have a hard skirt that would get stuck on the nipple after firing. The new CCI's are as easy to use and as reliable as the Remington.

I use CCI Magnum #11s on my rifles T.C. and CVAs. They both have worked well with these caps so far. Both guns had to have their nipples dressed with a honing stone when the rifles were bought. My colt uses CCI #10s and they have worked well so far. That's good because all I can find around my home town has been CCI anyhow.

James Taylor

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