Percussion hammer bending

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kentucky bucky

45 Cal.
Jul 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hey folks!
I have nearly finished a plains rifle from a hodge podge of collected parts, and it turned out rather well. Because the parts weren't "matched" a few obstacles were required to be overcome.(I learned alot)The hammer needs to be bent down approximately 1/8th inch to properly strike the nipple. I've bent hammers before, side ways and down, but I have had great difficulty bending them down. I only have a propane torch and a hammer. I get it as hot as I can and pound it down. This method deforms the top of the hammer somewhat and on this gun I don't want to mess with the shape of it. How do I do it differently? Is the propane just not hot enough or is there a way to grip the hammer to torque it into position. thanks
Mr. B.,
You have a choice. Make something to clamp at the top of the hammer, (needs to fit well so you will not disfigure) while holding the base in a vice or GET SOME HEAT. I think your biggest trouble is lack of heat. You need to get the hammer hot where you want to bend it and not the rest of the hammer. If the rest is heated it is easier for that area to mar when you are bending. If you don't have access to Oxy and Ace setup, then I would suggest MAAP gas. Should be able to get that at your hardware. The real key (IMO) is to get sufficient heat where needed quickly. Then with minimal pressure the hammer will bend to your command. Unless you have a valuable antique, remember you can always buy another hammer. In the mean time you will be getting valuable gunsmith experience.
Flintlocks Forever
Lar :thumbsup: :imo:
Kentucky Bucky,

I've done a few "Home made" hammers, that required tweeking after they were fitted. Use Mapp, if all you have is a propane hobby torch. and from my experience, a box end wrench can be a lot of help!

For twisting sideways, clamp the base of the hammer and loop a loose fitting box end over the nose.. use the hammer spur as a fulcrum. Heat the neck and apply a smooth twisting force.. you'd be amazed, at how easy it will bend/twist a hammer..
For dropping the nose, I've used a somewhat tighter fitting box end < mechanics all over are screaming :: > and the hammer base is in the vice as before. the loop of the wrench must bear upwards into the hammers 'throat'..while also locking against the outside of the hammer cup. practice the moves a couple of times first!!( pretending to apply heat and fitting of the wrench on, ) Heat the area red hot, fit the wrench on and apply your bending force striaght down. If done quickly the hammer cup will rotate in and down..
either way, I would expect to have a least a bit of cleaning up to do? I've tried to be as careful as I can..and I still manage to get a tool mark or two..

Hope this is clear enough and of some help!!

Respect Always

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