percussion pistol kits?

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Paul Weiss

32 Cal.
May 22, 2012
Reaction score
Any thoughts on percussion pistol kits?
The Pedersoli 50 cal Kentucky and BOunty Hunter look nice but what about the Traditions Trapper ?
I built a CVA Hawken kit years ago which came out well and shoots great but the prices have increased significantly since then! Any opinions would be greatly appreciated
The Lyman Great Plains pistol is a pretty good "kit" gun for a beginning gun builder. Often, kit guns are collections of parts the assembly folks at the factory don't want to try to fit for various reasons. All these parts are set aside and kits are made up from them. This is not the case with the Lyams kits in my experience. I have a couple of Great Plains pistols in .50 and .54 caliber. They are excellent guns for the money.
I built this .50cal Trapper from a kit. No complaints on the kit. It went together easy enough, and has been a reliable shooter. I`ll admit I don`t shoot it much though. I`m not all that into pistols and the trapper is more muzzle heavy than I like.

This is the .45 caliber Traditions Pioneer kit, cost around 150 bucks as best I recall several years ago. It has a really cheap lock but can be made to work well with a bit of tinkering. As others have said, the Lyman is a very good pistol but also very heavy, the Tradition Trapper is about the same weight as the Lyman but lesser quality. I added a belt hook to my Pioneer and it's actually very practical to carry and doesn't pull my pants down. :haha:



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