I am mostly interested in the Rocky Mountain, pre 1840 era on hunting pouches. A lot of replica pouches come with buckles to adjust the length on the strap and many have brass rings near the bottom of the straps. I have only seen a few pictures of actual bags but most seem to be plain, non adjustable straps of leather. How popular were buckles and rings? How many bags had cloth lining? I don't see many original bags with a sheath for a patch knife. It seems a rawhide thong with a charger hanging down mid-chest is about the only common strap item.
What about the size? Most of the pictures indicate a rather small bag, maybe about 8" by 8". The bags seem to conform to the wearer indicating soft leather that was rather thin. Any comments appreciated!
What about the size? Most of the pictures indicate a rather small bag, maybe about 8" by 8". The bags seem to conform to the wearer indicating soft leather that was rather thin. Any comments appreciated!