Phoenix-Winter Nationals

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69 Cal.
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
Any one going to Phoenix in February for the Winter Nationals?

Please do not start a flaming attack on the shoot, just wondered who might be there.


I usually drop by early to stock up on powder, and check out the vendors. Any idead of who will be there this year?
I always try to get there early and run traders row. That's my idea of shopping, not the mall!
I will plan on not be within 20 miles of Ben Avery as I need nothing in the way of supplies.

BTW the shooting normally is Wednesday - Sunday, with MONDAY be a Awards DAY. FYI

Normally the Traders are all there by Friday, are packing up by Noon on Sunday.
I will be there, because I need a couple dozen large musket flints and you can never have enough GOEX powder. :grin:
My wife enjoys looking around and watching the people.

Last year she was quietly laughing and I asked what was so amuzing? She pointed to a man in buckskins, the cleanliness of the buckskins reminded me of what a person visulizes of a hard core biker, a bit dirty. His persona?, it was complete with a blue tooth in his ear.

The shoot is nice, nice people and a world class shooting range, I have never seen one better.

Hope to see some there.

Richard Eames said:
The shoot is nice, nice people and a world class shooting range, I have never seen one better.


For you information there is a NEW Shooting Range in CLARK County Nevada about FOUR TIMES the Size of the Ben Avery Facility, that has been build from the ground up by the Game Ranger-Don Turner-Retired Arizona Game, and Fish Warden. That IMHO will make Ben Avery look second rate when it is complete.

Don was hand picked to build this New Range Run by Country of Clark Parks, and Recreation. i have seen picture of what is will be when it is done, and Don has corrected all the short coming of the Ben Avery Facility in the NEW BETTER, and BIGGER Clark County Facility.

I will bet money many big Shoots in the WEST will be moving to Sin City, as Las Vegas also offer everything an adult playground should have from Five Star Resturants, Golf, Great Hotels, and Gambling, etc., etc., etc..
Does anybody have a guess what the price on a pound of GOEX will be at this event? That reminds me I also need to pick up some bees wax, TC bore butter and 14 gauge wads. I sure do hope that there will be plenty of supplies there. :)
Clark has good prices on their powder. Goex has gone up I would think around $14.00 per pound. :grin:
redwing said:
Clark has good prices on their powder. Goex has gone up I would think around $14.00 per pound. :grin:

I am sure people will tell Don as they alway do "IN FRIENDS**T" its only.

People forget Don drives from Arkee Land, and his FUEL costs money, and he has to MAKE A PROFOT to make it worth coming Cross Country.

Better buy Powder, as it could be the LAST TIME to Buy it in Phoenix. Reason Don is getting almost too Old to make the Trip, and the Jerk in the White House is Anti Second Amendment.

Thank you, it was not on my list, it's on the list now. We are leaving in the morning.

Hi Richard,

Sounds like you are headed to some fun. :thumbsup: Wish I could be there too, but a little too far for now. Shoot straight, keep em in the black. I am expecting to hear great things about your pistol shooting. :haha:

Good luck, see ya, Jim/OH :hatsoff:
Thanks, we are planning on coming to your world in either June or September.


I spent about three hours there today.

I picked up some GOEX for $15 a pound, still a couple of bucks cheaper than local prices.

There was some neat stuff on traders row, but I was hoping to pickup either a kit or an in the white early lancaster, and there were no gunmaker/suppliers there. In fact, there were very few firearms for sale at all, and most of those were second hand commercial guns.

I also stopped by the NMLRA offices for a few minutes to say high. They reported a light turnout(but it is just the first day). I know we don't want to turn this into a flame the NMLRA session again this year, but once again (sixth year in a row) I had volunteered to help out, and received absolutely no response from anyone in the organization. A shame, as I live less than 30 minutes from the range.

This is really frustrating. I like most of the people I have had contact with in the organization, but it's hard to maintain an organization that can't respond to even a simple offer or question at this event.
Went out today and Goex fffg was going for $15 a pound. Don is a nice guy and enjoyable man to visit with. His wife(?) as well.

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