Good advice ... To remove pins ... I take a nail and blunt the end ,finish nail good but you can use any ....make sure its smaller diameter than wood hole so doesnt damage the hole ....tap said pin on flat side of barrel pin ....the pins should all the same way , lack side to side plate side but you just never know
...tap a pin out slowly ....carefully ...when end sticks out use pliers to pull it out rest of the way . Now ....all the pins should be this size , diameter , but ya never know ....make a blunt tipped pin pusher of the same diameter as the pins .... Take out tang screw and ramrod then remove all pins .... Hold firearm , hands around barrel , barrel down , and tap buttplate heal on table or floor till barrel pops out in your hands ....separate and put barrel and stock down . Now mentioned a few things could be wrong . Before removing barrel you can find where the ramrod hangs up , mark ramrod with pencil or just hold it at opening to R.R. hole , then hold the R.R. on outside of stock at mark ...if the end of the rod is at the front lock bolt , there's your problem . A lot of time the front bolt hole gets hit by the R.R. drill bit when it wanders up or down , and the front bolt needs to be notched or worst case scenario , the R.R. groove moved , modified , a whole different pain in the arse .... So find out where the problem lies ....could just be the ramrod needs to be taken down a little more of luck ....let us know