Pistol History

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Poor Private

58 Cal.
Feb 25, 2007
Reaction score
Ok here is an unusal subject.

I just purchased at a antiques/collectible show a kit style snakeseye brass pistol .36 cal. This pistol was tossed on a table with no info. When i picked it up and asked the guy about it, he not realizing that it was a actual handgun said "oh thats a just for decorating and I'll take 35 bucks for it. I ended up getting it down to 25. I know Dixie and others sell the kit for $95 plus hipping. So i think i got a deal on it, it's in great shape.
Now heres my question whats the history on this type of gun? Is it a actual repro of something or is it someones idea of a made up pistol? Anyone out there know?

Cris Westphal
Is this the side-by-side double pistol? It may not be a replica of any certain gun, but there were plenty of similar types of pistols from the mid 19th century.

You know, I've actually considered getting one of these myself, though I can't say why!
Yes this is the side by side pistol. The barrels are 1 solid brass block. I picked it up just becuase it was so cheap and just interesting Dixie Gun works carries them.
Cris Westphal
Jeez Doc that's a wicked looking piece. Wonder if this brass pistol in question is single or double hammer??
The "Classic Arms Snake Eyes" is a double hammer single trigger gun.
Hopefully both barrels don't fire at the same time, but they might.

I'm afraid I will have to show my dislike for the guns made by Classic Arms.
Their Pepperbox is a total piece of Bovine Scatt however a few of their guns are usable.
It may take some tweeking and adjusting to get the Snake Eyes to work but, for the price you paid you got a good buy.
IMO, this is an interesting little gun even if it doesn't work well.
Let us know how things turn out. :)
zonie :)
I think Zonie meant MBBW*!

Actually, I've shot one and the hammers dropped in sequence, not together! The bores are smooth so accuracy only so-so. Did make a point-blank paper cup hoser with shot! The gun is not an actual replica of any known specimen I've ever heard tell of.

* Male Bovine Bowel Waste