Pistol Patchbox????

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54 Cal.
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
I have a Pedersoli LePage flintlock pistol. Typical dueling/target pistol. No provisions for a ramrod, etc, but...

It has a trap in the butt!! Any ideas why?? Its not meant to be reloaded "in the field" so what purpose would it serve on this type of pistol? Maybe a place to put your burying money should you lose the duel.
"Pistols of the World" by Claude Blair, 1968, Redwood Press Limited, Trowbridge & London, speaking of pistols in gereral says on page 23:
"...The butt-cap or the steel strap running down the back of the butt on some percussion pistols incorporates a hinged lid covering a recess (the butt-trap) ) in the butt. This was designed to contain percussion-caps and also, probably, a few spare nipples."

If the trap has any size to it and the pistol is being used for target shooting, I suppose one could put a piece of lead in there to change the balance of the gun.
The extra weight in the grip would make the barrel feel lighter (which may or may not be a good thing).
It's for keeping spare chaw! Where else would you get enough spit for a long afternoon of target shootin' with spit patches? :haha:
I've seen them on numerous other guns, including a Lancaster over-under belt pistol, but in every case it was a "field -use" gun, that is, one where a reload might be necessary. Perhaps it's just there for a spare cap in case you got fumble-fingered while capping on the line and didn't want to walk back to your bench?

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