To jack & black,
I do not know where you are coming from but my feeling is that you guys probably did know what I was referring to even if the wording was not historically correct. I think most people that hear the combination of words "Possibles Bag" would think what I was thinking, even it if is not HC.
Case in point. If you go a Google search for "Possibles Bag" (left) and then another for "Shooting Bag" (right) you will get the following:
As can be clearly seen, most people in the world of shooting would thing a "Possibles bag" is a small leather bag with strap that is carried over the shoulder containing muzzleloading tools, a knife, perhaps fire starting equipment, and maybe my pipe so that I can smoke and relax in the woods. The "Shooting Bag" is shown as a synthetic bag carried to the range with modern gun related stuff. Having been involved in cartridge shooting and competitions this is what I think of as well as any of the people I associate with when we hear the term "Shooting Bag'.
So I did not mean to start a debate about the history or wording of a little leather bag to be worn over the shoulder to carry shooting stuff's for a muzzleloader. All I had wanted was a pattern or example to which to go by for making such a bag at home.
If we want to get HC we shouldn't be calling ,black powder, black powder, we should be calling it gun powder, but everyone calls it black; and we shouldn't call muzzleloaders, muzzleloaders, as in the old days they were just called rifles as there was no other means of "loading" a rifle, i.e. no breach loading arms. However I think we know what others mean when they use these terms even if they are not accurate for the time period.
No hard feelings, just letting you know my perspective as someone who is new to the hobby.
Had you just polity pointed out that the word "possibles bag" is actually incorrect, and correctly called a "shooting bag", all of this off topic banter would have been avoided.