Potassium Permangenate

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36 Cal.
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
South Carolina
I've heard that potassium permanganate mixed in water makes a great stain when aging antler knife handles, etc. Have any of you experimented with this and do you know of a good source? I planned on topping off with tung oil or linseed oil.

Thoughts, experiences, suggestions? :confused:
Here is one I did with Potassium Permanganate. The only water I used is to mix up the powder. It looks purple when mixed up and will go on that way.
Wear rubber gloves, because if you get it on your skin it is wash and wear as it turns anything it touches brown when dry. :shocked2:
I had originally rubbed in a bit of thinned Black Rustolem paint. So the low areas picked up the black.
Once dry I then sanded with 220 grit sandpaper and hit it with the Potassium Permanganate. Then when dry buffed with 2000 wet dry to bring back some of the lighter areas. Then I finished with a super glue finish.
Click on the thumbnails and they will open to larger pic.

You can Google it and find sevral companies that offer it for sale. However you can get Potassium Permanganate off of EBay cheaper in the powder form, and then just mix up as needed. I would offer you some links but I don't think we are supposed to do that anymore!
The stuff will have to ground ship to your location as it can not be shipped by plane. It is against regulations as the product is an oxidizer, and since that crash in the Everglades it illegal to fly it!
Also keep it away from cotton rags as it can start a fire.

We use this for injections and someone always wipes down with a cotton rag, then throws it in the trash. In a little while it starts to smoke and soon you may see flames.

I hate the stuff.

I have used it and for me it wears very poorly. It will change color real soon, even under a finish. It appears as if it is not color fast. If you get it on your hands, it will wear off about as fast as the items you wanted stained.I used it a couple of times and had to redo everything I did about 2-3 yrs. later, as it was all now almost white
Go to your local grocery store and see the Produce Manager and ask him for a sack full of onion skins. Take-um home and boil a handful in a large pot of water . Turn off the heat and drop your antler (horn) into the hot water and leave in there till the water is cool to the touch. You will get about the same color as the PP and it is safer to work will. Not dark enough! Add more skins and repeat process till you get the color you want! It wears better too!


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