Powder disposal

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32 Cal
Nov 18, 2018
Reaction score
What should one so with 5lbs of black powder if one quit shooting black powder.

By all means give it to someone or a club. If you can't find anyone spread it in your flower beds. It's a great fertilizer and the first rain will take care of it if the dew doesn't.
black powder sells for $25.00 lb. 'round here . Rather expensive fertilizer. Be generous to someone ,just give it to some black powder shooting person who could really use it. oldwood
"Fire the anvil" like they used to do on the 4th of July...
Seriously, though, I like the suggestion of finding someone that can use it for what it was intended for.
What should one so with 5lbs of black powder if one quit shooting black powder.

Like other said, give it away to another shooter or sell it at a fair price below market, Post here where your at and wait for the PMs to come in from here contacting you about it ! Your profile doesnt show where your at.
Any muzzleloader shooter will greatly appreciate a gift of 5 lbs of black powder; I know I would.
I also like the idea of giving it to another black powder shooter but if that isn't possible, sprinkle the powder around on the ground and then throughly soak the area with water.
The water will dissolve part of the powder leaving charcoal and sulfur behind. Neither of these things will explode and all three of the ingredients in the powder is good for the grass.