Powder Flask From Other Countries

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Passed On
Jan 2, 2003
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I gathered a few different powder horn and flask pictures from other places and eras, it's amazing how the same BASIC style is found world wide throughout time...

Oriental Powder Flask
Leather with wooden stopper and original leather strap. Unidentified Eastern lettering painted on the side. Probably late 19th century. GC; stitching complete, minor dent to one side. Overall 10
One easy and hassle-free way I've found to view and learn more about the variety of powder flasks out there is to log onto Ebay and search "powder horn" and "powder flask". There are always a bunch of originals up for sale, most from the U.S. but some from other countries like the ones posted by MM. The best thing about it is that you can actually buy one if you like it.
Musketman, Thanks, an interesting display.
NJFlinter, I've been trying to accumulate pictures of old and authentic horns, and even some modern reproductions. I found that www.history.host.com/colonialhornexamples.htm with a lot of good repro horns last Dec, I also found some good examples at www.triplejtrade.com/17a.jpg and finally, last Summer found some great photos and info on early authentics at www.americanpowderhorns.com/images/horns/pages/horn6a.htm

I figure if I look at enough real horns, the stuff I turn out might get better...
NJflinter, do you ever shoot at that NJstate provided range out near Round Valley?
Hello Hank,

Thanks for the info on the powder horn/flask websites. To answer your question, Yes, I do shoot at the NJ State range just west of Clinton off I78. I haven't yet joined a private range, so I make the 1hr trip from my home to use this range. Sounds like you know it well, but from your posting info it looks like you have a little further to travel to get there than I do...
NJflinter, yeah, it's about 650 miles to the old range now, but it used to be just 20 minutes from Long Valley through Califon and so on....now, I mostly shoot in my back yard...that's probably a felony in NJ now, right?
Musketman...thanks for telling me of these horns....really interesting stuff, and quite different from the photo's I've collected....Hank
I'm looking at an old horn I have hanging on the mantle with a little metal tag driven into the end cap. Reads "Green Turtle" with something I can't make out. Looks like someone screwed an eye into the cap and filed a ridge around the pour end (maybe it came that way) to hang it.

IMO powder was sold that way at one time probably due to the fact that it doesn't work or play well with static electricity.

Anybody know anything about this?

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