Powder flask materles?

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32 Cal.
Dec 25, 2011
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I am wondering what Matereles I could safty make a powder flask out that the powder wont harm/damege? Aside from copper and leather.
I got to handle a couple made from rawhide, and I was impressed. One had a nozzle salvaged from a copper flask and the other a turned wooden nozzle and plug. I haven't got around to it yet, but it's high on my list to try making my own.
You could always use bone. Clean out the marrow then make a spout and plug to fit.
I seem to recall that Dixie had a nozzle/valve that could be had separately. I imagine it could be affixed to just about anything with a little engenuity. A small horn or antler flask would be mighty interesting. As would made from heavy leather. Would you want to treat a leather one with brewer's pitch? Something else? I imagine if left untreated it might transfer a bit of moisture into the powder.
CraigC said:
Would you want to treat a leather one with brewer's pitch? Something else? I imagine if left untreated it might transfer a bit of moisture into the powder.

I've always been concerned about moisture too, but this guy treated his with beeswax. He's been using them for over a decade without problems in our wet climate, so that sezz something.
I've made some from the larger parts of Elk antler, hollowed it out, plugged the ends or sealed them n put in a spout. A bit heavy but sharp looking
had some scrape burl on one, cherry on another n for kicks I did one in fir but covered it with flattened horn, it was very different but kind of kool at the same time. Haven't done any in years but have some Elk laying around LOL just might have to loosen up the ol fingers n make some new ones. Wow haven't thought about them in years. Sold them all at vous, used to make pill boxs n such from the smaller dia pieces, may have to do some of them again too. Where the ends where small with just a little spongy middle showing I just saturated them with thinned poly n kept layering until they filled up, worked pretty good.

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