I have a Traditions cylindrical brass flask that is very inconsistent about dispensing powder when the button is pushed. Is this a common problem?
IF you are using this device to load your rifle for more than the first shot, or if you don't damp swab between shots,
please consider not using this device.
While such a flask works well for loading the cylinders of a revolver, it is a very different thing to do this for a rifle or fowler. You are, in effect, pouring powder into the measure and then pouring from the measure into the barrel, as one would do with a horn and measure. BUT there is a reason one uses the measure beyond a consistent load, and does NOT pour from the horn straight into the barrel.
Should by freak chance there be a smoldering ember within the barrel, and you haven't swabbed between shots, your powder charge might ignite. Now when using a measure your finger tips get singed, and your measure may be damaged, but when using a flask, you are depending on an inexpensive, foreign made, brass valve stopping the ignited powder from the charge continuing upward igniting the powder in your flask which you are holding in your hand. :shocked2:
Now..., maybe the base will blow off the flask, and you will have very minor injuries, or maybe the brass flask will rupture like a hand grenade?
I HAVE seen powder loads "cook off" but, they were during "speed shooting" matches and "speed loading" demonstrations. So, yes I admit the idea that the first shot might leave a smoldering ember is very remote, and even during a series of shots at the range, and is non-existent if you swab between shots. Further you are using Pyrodex which is tougher to set off than black powder, in my experience.
I just think you should be warned about the flask. Perhaps I'm being an old maid about flasks, but I use them to only measure shot.