Powder measure question

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Jul 18, 2004
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Switching from pellets to powder so I bought a CVA ajustable powder measure. (20-120 gr) I weighed a few charges and found that they run light by about 20 %. I was using 777. Is this normal?
Switching from pellets to powder so I bought a CVA ajustable powder measure. (20-120 gr) I weighed a few charges and found that they run light by about 20 %. I was using 777. Is this normal?

Powder measures are designed / calibrated on the basis of real black powder, not modern substitutes...and are intended to be used to throw powder charges on a "volume" basis, not a "weight" basis.

For example, a BP substitute like Pyrodex physically weighs less than real BP, but is designed and manufactured so that filling a 100grn "volume" measure with Pyrodex will produce the same amount of energy that 100grns of real BP has when measured in that same 100grn "volume" measure.

Scales and weighed charges are not normally involved with muzzleloading...it's all based on "volume" measurements.
Roundball is right, the only thing I would add is when you do pour bp in your measure always do it the same. If you tap the powder measure or pour to a certain level to the top always do it the same way to keep consistant. :thumbsup:
I do believe that the powder measurers are even calibrated to FFg powder grains size...

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