New Englander said:
Are you recommending round balls?
I would think that the Mini's, since that don't need a patch would leave lead deposits in the rifling and have the same effect, true?
Sorry if the Q's seem silly but I'm brand new to this game and I'm trying to pick all your brains for information. Ask me about Bow and I'm a little more educated.
As far as your projectile goes, consider a few realities here.
First - by design with iron sights (I hope you have not put a scope on that gun!) you will not be able to shoot that gun accurately at a deer sized animal at any more than 100 yrds. A patched round ball will do just fine out to that range in front of 70 to 80 grains of black powder.
Second - when it comes to shooting these guns accurately while hunting, practice, practice, practice right? You can shoot all afternoon with loose black powder and a bag of cast round balls for the price of 5 shots of that pre-manufactured so-called high performance stuff, and have a lot more fun.
Third - sure you can go with a lead conical in that 1:48 twist. Running up around 300 grains, projectiles like Buffalo Bullets carry a lot of authority down range. Yes, these un-patched bullets will lead foul your barrel causing the same problems as the plastic. You will have to use something like Butch’s Bore Shine on patches at the range and an occasional scrubbing with a brass brush to get that stuff out between shots. For whatever reason, I have just not found those rounds nearly as accurate as the patched round balls I have shot out of a 1:48 that I have. My guess is that rate of twist is just a little too slow for longer bullets. Accuracy notwithstanding, I have not seen the need for all that extra weight in the bullet.
Many people here will report taking all kinds of deer with PBR's, I took two last weekend with them in .50. A boat load of deer have fallen to round balls of .45 caliber and smaller in eastern North America over the years. A well placed shot, and if you bow hunt you know where that is, with a PRB will kill a whitetail out as far as you can accurately shoot that thing. So long as that 1:48 rifling in your particular gun gives you accuracy with a round ball (that is a touch fast for a PBR but, you should be alright) I would recommend them for all of your shooting.
None of your questions are silly. Others and I jabbed you a little about the modern stuff you mentioned and that is just part of the socialization the traditional guys will put you through so long as you come to them for advice and answers. You will find that most of the members of this forum are going to give you advice that strongly leans toward the more traditional style of muzzleloader hunting. They, like I, enjoy taking game or shooting these firearms in the traditional style. Most of us have taken animals with the modern firearms and grew bored with that type of hunting. The additional sport of hunting with a gun that is in every aspect the same as what people hunted with 150 or 200 years ago renewed the fun and since it worked for us, we believe it will work for all.
Prediction - you keep hanging out here you will be hunting deer with a flintlock you built yourself in a few years.
Good luck on your hunt this weekend ”“ let us know how it went.