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Oct 2, 2013
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What is the advantage/disadvantage between ffg and fffg in 50 cal using a .490 round ball.I can only get fffg.
Regards David
I prefer FFF, it burns cleaner...You can also use it as both your prime and main charge...

Target loads should run around 50-60grs, deer loads 75-90...
FFFg burns a little faster. By volume measure you'll get a bit more weight of powder (less air space) so it increases velocity if you dispense by volume using the same measure vs. FFg.

I use FFFg in my .54 rifle and I can prime with the same powder. Seemed a bit more accurate - but that's up to the rifle's preferences.
I find no noticeable difference if I use 10% less FFF than FF. (by volume measure). If anything the FFF leaves less fouling. Therefore I use FFF since I like the idea of more shots/lb. :idunno:
Years ago when I started shooting MLR's the rule of thumb was 2F above 45 caliber. I bought into it all of these years. I have read enough posts here to the contrary I have been trying 3F in the 50 , 54 and 58's that I currently own. Thus far it has not panned out but I may try it again!

Geo. T.
The biggest advantage is that it will pour and flow easier because of the smaller granule size. This MAY mean that it will flow more readily into the flash channel under the nipple and create more reliable ignition. You will have to shoot it to see if your rifle likes it. But if it is all you can get then your rifle will just have to like it!

You can play around with ball and patch size too while chasing accuracy. For example some people like a looser ball for hunting such as a .490 with 0.015 - 0.018 patch material. For target work some prefer a 0.495 ball and 0.010 - 0.015 patch just as an example. Have a look on the Track of the Wolf website for lubes etc, or you can try making your own. Pillow ticking can be bought at Spotlight but make sure you put it through the washing machine a couple of times to wash the starch out of it.

I started off with a .50cal and was shooting up to ten pigs and goats a day with it while hunting out west. Most of them dropped in their tracks. It is death by calibre with muzzleloaders.
Dave9, flintlock or percussion? (Just curious). Also, what brand of powder are you using?

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