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PRB fowler first

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45 Cal.
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
While sitting in a great pinch point this morning I notice two does running and looking back hastily.
The rut has been going good here for about a week, and i figured it was part of a group of deer i have been seeing, with the does constantly being harassed by a three pointer who i continuously let live.

The major difference is, today, i was looking for a doe and am happy to see an opportunity unfolding.

Even though i was sitting right in the middle of a 200 yard wide pinch point, they managed to stay about 90 yards from me, which for me is too far with my 62 fowler i built this spring. possible yes, assured, no. I don't need meat that bad (after all, i am a beef and pork and chicken farmer!)

Then I saw what was getting them on the move......a coyote! a really old coyote......a dingy coyote........never the less, eating my chickens and running deer has unfortunately put the wiley on my "shoot on sight" list.

he decided to cut the corner and when he was at about 40 yards, dancing along the top of a rock wall fifty feet below me (i was sitting on a large rock knoll) i said " blaaaatttt" .

he stopped on a dime and looked up at me.....chhhh-boom! he quickly went down in sight. I was realllllyyy hoping i was wrong on my initial assessment and he was not mangy, but alas, there he was missing half of his fur.

Out comes the tobacco pouch, an offering, and this time instead of apologizing and thanking for meat i told him i was happy i could end the sure painful death he faced this winter quickly. As you can tell from the picture, mange had a very strong hold on this fellow and it was not going to let go. Really too bad I could not put his pelt to use but his pain is over, and i have saved chicken and possibly deer lives.

I think ya did him a favor :thumbsup: There are some types of mange that are real painful and uncurable. I think he was suffering badly.
Nice shooting and a great story. Thanks for sharing and putting it out of it's misery! :thumbsup:
thats one nappy looken critter. i agree with the others, ya did him a favor putten em down.

Good shot. I hate to see any animal suffer. But I do admit that I can't stand the things. Get some more.

Soli Deo Gloria!