Price Jump on Parts

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Jul 31, 2003
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If ya have not bought any parts in a while, you are gonna get a shock when ya do. Brass went out of sight & just about everything went up. I compared the parts from last year to this year & the parts to build a longrifle with brass trim is about $ 75 to 100 more. When ya price it piece at a time it don't seem like much but when ya total it, it all adds up & plus the UPS took a big jump too.

Strange how things keep just a goin up, well everything except my take home pay :hmm:
We have all seen it in about the price
of anything. Small gun parts especially. The vendors will blame it on gas prices, even though
gas prices are up 15 or 20% and the prices on
parts and supply's are up 25-30% or more.
This is not true of all suppliers, by
no means, but it does happen.
Kind'a like going to the DR. It don't
hurt to get a second opinion when buying... :hmm:
snake-eyes :v :hatsoff:
They are useing brass up in .223,.308,9mm,and .50 BMG in Iraq and Afganistan at a pretty good clip.Also in trainig exercises over here before they go over there.While gas has gone down 40 cents a gallon in the last couple of weeks here in Houston,diesel has not. I took 50 drums of sulfuric acid 560 miles for $400.00.It took $300.00 worth of diesel and it paid me $160.00.Took 12 hours,loading,driving,unloading.My boss lost $60.00.The cost of shipping can only go up,otherwise there will be no one to haul it.
the chinese government has been buying all the scrap metal it can from the US which is driving up the market. The same thing with macinery in bankruptcy sales, and going out of business sales. They are using the equipment to build their own factories.
I don't know about brass but steel products have been surcharged up to 20% for two years now. The cause is as was stated, China is buying all of the world's steel supply and to make matters worse, they are buying all of the coke to make steel. Therefore raw steel prices have risen 200 to 250% percent since 2003.

I was pricing aluminum boats recently and guess what, aluminum has taken a huge jump too.

This increase in raw materials is being passed on to the consumer like you and me.
I was talking to a factory owner Thurs. who just came back from China trying to sell them his products. They almost don't need us anymore. What we used to manufacture and sell to them, we have instead sold our machinery and raw materials to them. In WW11,one of the reasons we won the war was because of manufacturing and raw materials. I wonder what it would be like today. They are getting out materials and our jobs.
WADR, Dave, the reason the jobs are going over there is poor management here. I represent a company who is taking business away from Asia, and doing it here in the midwest, making a profit, expanding its business, and even offering price reductions on some products. The owner has turned the shop into an entirely CNC equipped operation. He has executives from major gun companies coming to see how he does it, and makes products for many of them, as well as American Knife makers. It can be done here, if management is doing its job.
The price of modern ammo went up for the same reason. The prices of metals and polymers went up recently. A lot of developing nations are buying them in huge quantities, driving up the price. Lead and copper took a huge jump. It looks like the prices will stay high too. :(
A VERY COMPLEX ISSUE. World trade,also a loaded issue :hmm:
Always wounder what the Chinese Commies, after all they are a one party dictatorship, did to convince our goverment/ industry leaders that we should alow them free access to our markets, while letting them restrict our access to theirs????
Noff said
Paul, believe me, I am very glad to hear it. I hope others look at what he is doing and follow suit. This is what will keep the USA strong!
Paul, You hit the nail on the head. Management here in the U.S. has gone to the dogs in most places, and I'm glad to hear what you said. I know that the poor management where I work has caused major money loss. Glad to hear the sucess of your company.
I am not sure, does "Wallmart" have good gun building supplies?

Besides the first post or two I am trying to figure where this thread is going and it looks like down hill.

Yes I would imagine the price of the gun parts going up because less are being made and that unfortunately has to do with supply and demand not who buys scrap metal. If I look at any suppiers sites I see "out of stock" and "discontinued" as much as I see the prices go up and that forces you to buy elsewhere for more money.

It is a matter of how many parts are being made and the fewer the more expensive they become. When Ford sells more mustanges with thousands of parts for around $18,000 but the lock maker only sells a few thousand a year his overhead is through the roof and his prices reflect that.

I can buy a brake rotor for my truck that has three times the steel in it as a Green Mountain barrel. Both are turned on expensive milling machines with about the same labor involved.

My rotor costs $50 and the GMT costs over $200.

Why? rotor maker makes a million of them a year while GMT makes thousands of that barrel.

So before I blame any government or country like China I would look more closely at us, yup look in the mirror.

Inline rifles outsell traditional now a days what? 50:1?

Because of this companies have stopped making them all together (like CVA)

People who wanted better rifles than what CVA sold needed to buy custom but now they can buy a $300 inline that shoots as good as any custom.

The sport has changed my friends and I am all ready prepared to spend a couple grand for a custom rifle. That is when I get around to builing or buying one.

Sorry for the speech but I felt economics was more the issue than geopolitics.
"shoody commersionalism" The name of our age.
Walmart is only selling what people are buying :cursing: :cursing:
However I do take issue with the idea that you can actualy compete with the 3rd world and commie dictators.
They have no middle class, only the wealty and the poor.
Why do you think the poor mexican's are flooding our lands.
They are looking for the American dream. Decent homes, jobs, a future for their children. Not to mention the RULE OF LAW... Not corruption and bribery,that is the hallmark of all single party states,
OPPS... I gusess I failed to read the news lately.
What bothers me the most is my son and your friends son's and daughters are dying to protect the Chinese,Japanese and other unfair commpetitors oil supplies, even as they cut our throats. JMHO
Geopolitics is economics. I feel I am holding the intent of the first post. If people are buying less, thus driving up the price of the fewer items produced. It is because of income loss due to job loss and higher prices paid at the pumps, and for other hard goods due to geopolitis taking away the buying power of your income. If people are buying less, it isn't always because they don't want it, it is because they can't afford it. This is what I see in my little corner of the world.
Dave K said:
Geopolitics is economics. I feel I am holding the intent of the first post. If people are buying less, thus driving up the price of the fewer items produced. It is because of income loss due to job loss and higher prices paid at the pumps, and for other hard goods due to geopolitis taking away the buying power of your income. If people are buying less, it isn't always because they don't want it, it is because they can't afford it. This is what I see in my little corner of the world.
:thumbsup: I agree and prices will continue to climb.
Well both of you did not read my post. You just reacted to the fact that I did not agree with blaming China buying scrap metal on the price of parts going up. This is not a political site and myself being a very political person would like to keep it that way.

I come here to escape that and can we please get back to the topic of RILFE PARTS GETTING MORE EXPENSIVE..

Sorry for the caps but it is a good topic to explore without blaming the world politic.
I talked to Tim at RE Davis Co. and Jim Chambers several months ago and they told me this price increase was coming down the pipe. It has nothing to do with less brass part being sold. The foundry's price of brass ingots doubled, and they just passed the price onto Chambers and all the other parts retailers who in turn pass the price on to the folks who build guns , who in turn will pass the price onto those that buy guns.
Why brass ingots doubled in price, I wouldn't know, but some of you may have figured it out.