Priming Horn

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40 Cal.
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Started working on a priming horn for me today, plan on staining the top and leaving the base natural so I can scrim some ivy or something going around it, still working on the spiral part but open to suggestions on it. Thanks


Mongo, now that is my kinda horn. I really like the base and throat, very good idea. The spirals, well, all I can tell you is go slow. I hand filed mine but I'm not sure you are gonna be able to do that on yours.I did decide that if I make another one with spirals I think I will make a small scrapper to fit the radius and scrapp them to their finial finished size
I think it is gonna be a great looking horn when you get done and I am looking forward to the finished pictures
Mongo, Your horn is looking good!

One of the main things to remember in cutting spirals is the closer the spirals are together and the deeper you cut the grooves, the more round the spirals look like roping. Had an old woodcarver show me that years ago!
