Putting ramrod pipes on underrib

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Only Round

36 Cal.
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's time to attach my rib and pipes to the barrel of the rifle I'm working on and I've got a few questions before I jump into this. I'm planning on using iron pipes and I think I'll brown everything. Should I solder the pipes onto the rib or is there a better (easier) method? Should I put the pipes on first or solder the rib on first? Can I do both on the same pass? Should I solder, then brown? Will the solder "stick" on browned parts? :confused:
Any thoughts from those of you with more experience here would be greatly appreciated. -I LOVE this forum!
Solder will not stick to browning or blueing. The cleaner the metal the better. The rib itself must be inletted for the thimbles, otherwise they will plane and gouge wood off the ramrod and ruin it. File small flats on the thimble where it contacts the rib, to aid in a close fit. When fileing, remember it's easier to replace a thimble than a rib.
You might want to do them seperatley. The browning won't take to the solder so you want to be careful and do a neat job. Don't ask me how I know :redface:
Only round, if you are going to solder both the rib and thimbles, do the rib first. Then when you solder on the thimbles, you won't get the barrel hot enough to un-solder the rib. I did it this way on my first build but later found that attaching the rib to the barrel with small screws is alot easier and neater.

To solder the thimbles, do like Trigger said. File a flat on the rib and one on the thimble. The thimble should almost pop into place on the rib when you're done. Then tin the rib and thimble and wipe off the excess solder. Set the thimble in place and heat with a torch, adding just a touch of solder when it's hot. Before it's cool, site down the rib to make sure the thimble is still perfectly lined up. Sand off any excess solder with some emery cloth. The solder won't brown, but it does leave a neat looking grey line.

One thing I always do before I solder is to chuck the thimbles in a drill and smooth out the ends with emery cloth. That way it won't ever scratch the ramrod. Bill
Sounds like the GPR kits. The thimbles are soldered to the rib and the rib is attached to the barrel with small screws. I've been told not to use any hot blue or brown, for the heat could melt the solder. I used LMF browning solution from Track of the Wolf and it worked great :thumbsup: .

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