Pyrodex - v - BP

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Aug 6, 2005
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Excuse me for not putting this in the correct thread, but I'm not sure how to post without quoting, and I want to write a note without responding to anyone else.

Last sunday morning I was introducing a new shooter to the joys of BP, and demonstrated my ROA and second generation Colt Walker to him, before letting him have a shoot himself.

First I pointed out that there was a noticeable difference between shooting a BP substitute, like Pyrodex P, and the real thing, in this case, Swiss 3Fg. I advised him to watch and learn, and to make his own mind up.

First we loaded up the ROA with the usual 28gr of Pyrodex P, and fired off the cylinder. The usual clickBANG resulted. Never been any different in this gun shooting Pyrodex, in spite of trying every make of caps we can obtain over here in the last 22 years.

Then the Walker, with 45gr of the same stuff - slightly faster ignition, but nothing to really blow your hat off.

We then changed to exactly the same equivalent loads of the Swiss stuff, and proceded to fire 12 consecutive real kabooms - the smile was a LOT bigger, ignition was instantaneous, and accuracy was 100% better.

I HAVE to shoot Pyrodex as I am not allowed to keep BP where I live for insurance reasons, but I cadge BP from generous friends who like to shoot my Whitworth in return for a dose of the real thing.

...and believe me, there is NOTHING like the real thing.

That's been my experience also. I'm sure you've tried magnum caps already, but in case you haven't, they seem to light the fake stuff better.
Sadly, Sir, magnum caps are not available here in the United Kingdom in case a t+r+o+i+t gets hold of them and employs them in someform of bomb-making activity.

I have found that both Remington and RWS hot caps work adequately with Pyrodex, and brilliantly with the real thing.

Best wishes from snow-bound East Anglia

I've used PYRO some in my rifles, accuracy was off some and the crud build-up near the breech is hard to remove. I soak with hot windsheild washer fluid, then clean. nothing like the real thing.

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