Question about front sight on GPR?

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Danny Ross

40 Cal.
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Does/Has anyone used the Metric Beaded Front Sight or the beaded front sights that comes from Lyman and continued to use the fixed rear sight that comes with the GPR. If you have what height of front sight did you get. I am thinking it would help me with accuracy since something round as a bead has a apex point to sight off of, as compared to using the thick flat front blade that comes with the gun. I know my TC front sights allow me to sight finer because of its round top for target or hunting. Or does someone have another suggestion for a thinner front sight blade, that will fit the gun's dovetail, and work with the fixed sight that comes with the gun? I hope I am not asking for something that doesn't exist. DANNY
Actually the Patridge style flat front blade is a target grade sight.
I guess it's all about how a guy uses his sight picture. I use what's call a 6 O`clock hold.
If I do my adjustment right (for me) it'll look like the ball is sitting balanced on top of the blade. If I do a proper follow through after the shot, the hole in the target will look like it's sitting on top of the blade.
I have used the Lyman "Hunting" front and rear sight set on my GPR, for me the front is very hard to see in low light situations. I took them off and went to a flat top rear and silver blade front.
I use a 6 o'clock hold, but using a 1 inch dot at 50yds, it is tough for me to center it on that wide front blade, shot after shot. Could be my eyes even with glasses. I am just thinking a narrower blade or that ball type front woudld help me tighten up my groups with the GPR. DANNY
I replaced my front sight with a silver blade sight from Track of the Wolf. It is much easier to see and extended my shooting time in the evening to where I can almost make it all the way to the end of legal time.
The Lyman Globe front sight #17 AEU is specified for Lyman/Investarms rifles, since it has the narrower metric dovetail. I just installed one on my GPR, and await delivery of the 57 GPR rear peepsight. It looks via eyeballing, that the original blade sight is the same height as the post insert on the globe sight.

I've discovered lately, that I get better groups using the Lyman "Hunting Sight" ie: the bead on post design. I cover the target with the bead, and it's like putting my fingertip over the spot I want to hit.

Has anyone ever used the aperture front sights where the target is centered within the aperture? Looks like it would be useful only for shooting at a specific diameter target at fixed distance. I have an 84 year old rifle with Redfield (stamped Lyman in near-microscopic letters). It looks like the aperture inserts have yet to be used.
The 57 GPR sight arrived today, and was a snap to install. It's actually a 57 SML with additional base wedge to install between the sight base and the tang surface - just a fancy tapered spacer that raises the sight to correct height. After installing the rear peep sight, and before removing the breech-mounted sight, I looked thru the peep, and everything lines up. Looks like the globe sight installed will line up jut fine with the factory rear sight - maybe with very minor adjustment.