OK, I have dried at least a ton of bow wood and a number of stock blanks, LOTS of BAD info above.
NEVER put individual pieces of green wood in an attic, car or sealed out building in the summer, it will check and warp like all get out no matter how well you seal it, I found this out from experience. I live in Alabama, you may get away with in other parts of the country but it was a disaster for me with a lot of ruined wood. Piles of stickered slabs may do better but I never had that much to dry at one time.
I have a wood drying box with a rheostat for temperature control, I have found it is best to let wood air dry until it is down to 16%MC before I put it in the box to prevent checking, even on sealed wood.
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I have cut cherry and walnut gun blanks, I always heard that a cherry stock blank cut from green wood would check and warp and needed to be dried stickered in slab form. I have tricks, I gave the ends of my stock blanks several coats of shellac, I gave the entire blank one coat of shellac to slow surface drying. My blanks air dried completely straight without the first drying check.
I wish I could say I got great stock blanks out of the wood I cut but I found way too many bark inclusions in the blanks to make them useable for the most part. I got a couple of so-so blanks. I found it is better to call Dunlap than to rely on what I cut.
Out of a green tree;
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Trimmed and dried, no warpage or checking. Notice the big bark inclusion/knot the butt of the big blank.
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