I recently built a range cart of my own design, and wouldn't you know it: within a few months of completing it, I had too much stuff again. Now I need to build a new one, and want to "upgrade" to include a rack for the long guns - something akin to:
Does anyone know where I can get plans for some sort of similar style/design? Ideally I want one where the handle would fold down for traveling.
While I may just draft something myself, I am hoping to find some plans that will simplify things so I can just get down to the actual building of said item. Anybody?
Does anyone know where I can get plans for some sort of similar style/design? Ideally I want one where the handle would fold down for traveling.
While I may just draft something myself, I am hoping to find some plans that will simplify things so I can just get down to the actual building of said item. Anybody?
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