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32 Cal.
Jun 12, 2007
Reaction score
What are the good manufacturers of Cap n Ball pistols, and which brands should I stay away from? Thanks
Uberti is pretty good. Pietta is good but if you can get 2010 production (CF proof codes) they are great. ASM can be good or rotten have to check the gun first. Traditions are pretty good. Palmetto generally stinks.
I currently have a Pietta Kentucky pistol in both flint and percussion, and both are 50 cal. They both have a good wood to metal finish. The locks are crisp and trigger pull is smooth. They look and shoot nicely.

I also currently own a Traditions Trapper percussion 50 cal. I bought this pistol as a kit. The lock is crisp and the double set trigger is set perfect for me. I installed fiber optics sights because for my old eyes on this pistol. I shoot this pistol a lot at the range and it nice when you can see your sights.

I have owned several other black powder pistols over the years but these are my personal favorites. I would recommend these pistols as excellent choices for your shooting collection.

Mark B
DennisA pretty much said it all.

You should be aware that over the years there have been many different companies who have imported Cap & Ball Revolvers, usually from a limited number of makers in Italy.

These importers often have their own companies names stamped on the guns making it look like they made them.
EMF, DIXIE, CENTENNIAL ARMS, CENTURY ARMS, CVA, HAWES, LYMAN, NAVY ARMS and REPLICA ARMS are but a few of these importers. Most of these companies have been out of business for years but their imports are often found at gun shows and stores.

another "good" rated source is davide-pedersoli (though a little over-priced).

~d~ :thumbsup:
One other brand not mentioned yet is USFA. They are tops in fit, finish and authenticity. A bit expensive though.
At the present time there are only three major manufacturers of replica percussion revolvers. They are Uberti (now owned by Berretta), Pietta, and Euroarms. There are a few high priced, competition revolvers made and some of these use one or more of the three current manufacturers for parts. Pedersoli makes the Remington New Model Army and Rogers & Spencer (major components probably from Euroarms). Feinwerkbau makes a Rogers & Spencer and ARTAX makes a Remington New Model Army. USFA (USPFA) produced a very few (very expensive) percussion revolvers made on Uberti revolvers. The only ones I am aware of was the 1860 Army, 1851 Navy, 3rd Model Dragoon, and an 1862 Pocket Police. If anyone is aware of any others please post.
Well I am going to find out shortly how good Piettas are. Just ordered that 1851 colt Navy that has the engraving and the white grips. It is normally priced at $349.99 I been eyeing it a couple years but couldn;t justify the price. But is was just on sale for $249.99 (hundred bucks off) and I got a $20 coupon in my email s now the price is $229.99-- Just had to order it, it seemed to speak to me.
It makes it my 16th or 17th CB pistol. Is this too many? Do I have a compulsion? :hmm:
Never too many.

As long as you have time to shoot them all.

If you don't. Let me have them, and i'll do it for you. :grin:

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