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May 27, 2006
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Found these while on a job Thursday, not sure what will become of them but I have some ideas.

They wont go bad.

These things are massive,

I didn't find them, I procured them for a nominal price.

I will put them back and use them up as I make things.

I don't yet have the time to wander aimlessly thru the woods, to many other obligations at the present time.

Looking forward to the day though.
Sign off the times. We now have a antler gathering season in Utah.
Feb. 1 thru Apr. 15 and you must have an "antler gathering certificate" on your person while looking for antlers and if you find some attached to a skull you have to leave them, must have fallen off. Old timers didn't know how good they had it.
You have got to be kidding.......... :shake: :bull: :idunno:

That's kinda like being against the law to shoot snakes and frog hunting season. :surrender:

This is utter non-sense, we are becoming exactly what our fore-fathers warned us about. :shocked2:

Kinda like having to purchase permits to use the National Forest, we already pay taxes for this right. :youcrazy:
I see a lot of knife handles, powder measures, short starter handles, and buttons ! :idunno:
SMO, speaking of snakes,also against the law to shoot a rattlesnake here but thats a law that's often broken.
ApprenticeBuilder said:

This is utter non-sense, we are becoming exactly what our fore-fathers warned us about. :shocked2:

Kinda like having to purchase permits to use the National Forest, we already pay taxes for this right. :youcrazy:
Even more frustrating, YOU BOUGHT THE LAND!!! N.F. is public land bought and paid for by hunters and fishermen!! Pittman Robertson Act signed by Teddy Roosevelt.
Sign off the times. We now have a antler gathering season in Utah.
Feb. 1 thru Apr. 15 and you must have an "antler gathering certificate" on your person while looking for antlers and if you find some attached to a skull you have to leave them, must have fallen off. Old timers didn't know how good they had it.

Mike Brines said:
ApprenticeBuilder said:

This is utter non-sense, we are becoming exactly what our fore-fathers warned us about. :shocked2:

Kinda like having to purchase permits to use the National Forest, we already pay taxes for this right. :youcrazy:
Even more frustrating, YOU BOUGHT THE LAND!!! N.F. is public land bought and paid for by hunters and fishermen!! Pittman Robertson Act signed by Teddy Roosevelt.

As much as I dislike some of the wildlife policies in UT, this "permit" is actually free. It was implimented in an attempt to educate sportman on the affects shed hunting "can" have on wintering animals. It's been well documented that some people here have been found/caught chasing deer and elk across thier winter range in a attempt get antlers to drop (harassment or disturbance). Not good for the animal's health, especially after a hard winter. I knew a guy growing up that went out and roped antlers in the effort to get them. Not very smart IMO and a fool to boot. In some areas the animals are watched so closely that as soon as they drop, it's like the Oklahoma land grab to get them, chasing the animals in the effort.

And the permit is only required during the months the DWR has determined the animal can be most stressed. This isn't different than some other states. Wyoming has parts, actually I think its all public land, that you can't touch a shed until after 30 April and is closed again after 31 Dec.

If the program educates some people here on the potential damage this can do to the herds, I see it as a good thing. Again, the permit is free, you just need to take a free online education course.

That's my soap box, my .02 :v

Apprentice Builder, I love the color in those antlers. Do they still smell of pine? I love finding a fresh elk shed that you can still smell the pine gum! :thumbsup:
After reading your post, I realised that the main factor involved in the efforts to regulate a large portion of the seemingly harmless activities is

the human element, there are just so many STUPID people out there.

Thanks for the refresher course.

when there is money involved humans get stupid and accourding to "fur-fish n game" magazine elkis going for about $8.00 apound wholesale
Interesting, $8 a pound :hmm: naw its worth more to me in pieces.

Screw tips, powder measures, primer horns, etc.

Took the family on a trip bout 10 years ago and ended up going thru Yellow Stone, wonderful place by the way, anywho I watched as this a$$ parked his vehicle and jumped out to chase down this huge bull elk to try and get some pictures.

About a month later I read where this guy was gored to death by a buffalo because he got to close trying to get a picture.

Its actually a shame, there are pills and surgery that can fix most things, stupid is not one of them,

Spose thats what Mother Nature is for.
Pa has some really stupid rules about antlers. If from a Buck you harvested, you may only sell, trade or dispose of the antlers within 90 days. After that there are really strict rules against selling or giving them away. To make finished products (buttons, powder measures, etc.) and sell them, there is another set of stupid rules. I would figure if the deer was legally harvested, the antlers are 100% your property to do as you please, BUT, PA has other ideas.

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