Rear sight height question

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Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Florence Alabama
I finished my precarve from hell rifle and gave it a go on my range. The first shots were a foot low so I started filing on the front sight, I got the group up to 4.5" low and had the front sight as filed own as far I want to go with it.

I need to make or buy a new rear sight that is taller but I don't know how much it will take to raise the impact point up where I need it. my current sight is the standard Lancaster that Track sells with a base .585 long and the blade height of .220.

As near as I can tell there are no other sights listed with this length base so I would have to buy one with a longer base and cut it down.

It looks like the next step up is a sight with a .300 blade height, then a sight that is .425 tall.

I know some of you guys are extra talented in calculating the projected sight height, I have always been a shoot and file kind of guy.

How much more height would put me in the ball park for a group that is 4.5" low. I know that barrel bending is an option but have never done it.

This is my 50 yard group, .54 shooting a .530 ball, .018 ticking patch and 80gr of 2F. Not too bad right out of the box and the first load I tried, this is a Bobby Hoyt rebore that I had changed from a .50 to a .54.

I have 74 year old eyes that don't see sights well, no telling what someone with good eyes could get out of the gun.

Forgot to mention; I filed the sight for the last time between the low shot and the next two.

haines low group (2).JPG
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That’s a lot better then file and fire. Saves powder, time and gets it right on any gun. Works for windage as well.

Here is the just finished rifle.
View attachment 103376
Very nice rifle, and flint to boot!!
I shoot .535 with .018 pillow ticking. If ya feel like it, try a box of .535s to compare. You already have a new sight, but for future reference........ Sight Correction Calculator
Click on the link and you will get the calculator below only it will be active.


I have found that if the bore is straight the front sight should end up about 0.10" lower than the rear relative to the bore centerline for a 50 yard zero.

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