:bow: Oh God---I died and went to heaven---this is absolutely a gorgeous piece of work. I have often said that as a youth I attended the NY College of Music and used to walk over to the Museum of Art on Fifth avenue and used to live in the Ancient Arms & Armour wing. I used to ogle the various guns on display and there were many beautifully inlaid guns such as this masterpiece. Just seeing the work unfold in front of my eyes 65+ years later is like reliving my youth. I was hooked and landed even then to love of the history of such early weapons. In fact I remember doing a History term paper in College for a Medieval History class on just such weapons. I used the Museum's files, written records and the kindness of the Weapons curator for my primary resources and bibliography for my research. I cannot remember what I got for that BIG project but it was worth it. Congratulations Wolf & Razpla for your workmanship and devotion, and sharing with all of us. "Doc"