Remington 1858 parts

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40 Cal.
Jan 22, 2006
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Does anyone know where to get parts for the Pietta Remington 1858? I lost the rear sight plate. I have a blued model. Steel frame and brass trigger. It has the target sights.
Closed for the day. Ill try them Friday. All I see listed on their website is the stainless steel model..Its a 3 dollar part :rotf:
The sight blade itself is the same in all of the Pietta '58's! And it's held-in by the same two screws on the sides. My Stainless Buffalo '58 by Pietta uses the same dark blue/black sight blade that your revolver does!
Sweet..Thats good to know. Maybe I should buy 2...Just in case. I was going to a 400 acre ranch a couple of weeks ago...Had to leave the 1858 behind when I noticed the missing sight. I am not sure if I lost it at the range the last time or when I was trying to fit it in to a holster..Turned the house upside down searching for it.
I had mine fall out of my revolver at the range at the shooting bench....I was on my hands & knees crawling-around getting the knees of my pants browned with wet dirt in order to find it! Those two little screws on the sides for windage adjustments aren't what I'd expect to find on a gun that costs over $400.00!

The next time I play with that thing, I have to sight it in all over again, being careful to tighten-up both sides after an adjustment. As you probably already know, it takes a jeweler's screwdriver to make the adjustment so you don't bugger-up the screws.

If I was buying replacement blades, I'd get a set of replacement screws as well, since it's so easy for them to fall-out while you're fooling with that sight blade! :wink: And I'd bring some toweling to catch anything that fell off of the revolver prior to tightening the newly installed blade, so you could find it if it "went south" :wink:

Its quite possible I never tightened them up after I sighted it in. I dont think I have fired 100 balls thru it yet. I may put some loc tight non hardening on the threads after I sight it back in. I have my holster modified now so the rear sight wont catch on the holster. The holsters must be made for the plinkers that have no sight adjustment.

My son and I have the exact same holster from Cabela's for his 1860 Army and the 1858 Remmy. Same barrel length (8"), same frame size, so same holster. His '58 doesn't have adjustable sights, so no need for the holster modification :wink:
I got it at Cabela's too. The price is right. It fits on the belt I already had. Just had to notch it out with a razor blade. May rough it up with sand paper a bit and put some brown shoe polish on it. Looking forward to shooting it agian. Just finished a loading stand. It's a must have :thumbsup:
I have the same style holsters for my Walker, the 12" Stainless Pietta '58 Buffalo, and the Colt 3rd Model Dragoon. All work well.

Loading stands are fantastic! :thumbsup:
Just put in the parts order...2 blades and 2 screws 25 bucks LOL...Ill be burning powder soon :haha:
VTI...I dont see it on DGW..I emailed Pietta..The only source they said had parts was DGW..Ill give them a call in the morning. I looked just now and dont see the parts listed...I need some black solve too :)

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