Remington 1858

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40 Cal.
Oct 1, 2005
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I have a Ruger old Army and I really like. I'm thinking of getting a Remington 1858 to play around with and wanted to know about the pyrodex .44/45 cal pellets for pistol. Has anyone every tried them.There a 30gr load I shoot them in my Ruger old army. They work great there any info. would be helpful. thanks
I don't know about ".44/45 cal pellets" but most of the folks shoot roundballs in the Remingtons.

I believe the Ruger likes to use .457 diameter balls and the Remington usually uses either the .451 or .454 diameter balls. The .457 diameter balls might be a little hard to ram into the smaller chambers on the Remington.

The steel framed Remington will shoot well with 22-30 grains of powder.

zonie :)
I have used them in my '58 and ROA both. I bought a can to take hunting when fast reload may be needed. I get better groups with Holy Black tho.
I use Lee mold conicals in both pistols.
I have a Uberti Mellenium Remington. What I use for a load is 20 grains of triple 7, a wonder wad and then a .454 round ball. I have had no problem with this load. I prefer the triple 7 over the straight BP. It seems fouling is a lot less, I can fire more rounds/cylinders before the spindle guns up and and the cylinder gets harder to turn. If you do civilwar reenacting this gun also makes a nice bang loading blanks. :)
I have the Pietta '58 Rem 'Bufflao Hunter' 12" barrel model. I shoot a Lee conical in it over a 32gr. load of 3F with felt wad overpowder.
there is some room left in chamber but not much. I shot it through a 5" jack pine and a wild hogs skull at 30 paces.
good luck. Blizzard.
They work fine. I've shot them often in my 58s. They actually have a thin coating of blackpowder on the bottom to set them off quicker.
I personally haven't tried them and probably never will as I have and use red loading tubes from Dixon's Muzzle loading in Kempton PA. When you use pellets, you have no way of adjusting the charge accurately to suit each individual gun, and they're probably more money than pouring regular Goex into the tubes prior to going to the range.

As far as fouling goes, try using Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine, distributed by Lyman. Pour just a little bit on a couple of cleaning patches then wipe the front of the cylinder as you rotate it when the revolver is at half-cock (No loads in the cylinder!). This will clean the cylinder face and the front of the forcing cone as well. Then use a piece of paper towel to wipe off the excess until it dries from the drying agent that is in the solution itself. Then cap-off at the firing line to make sure that the nipples are clear of any foreign matter, then load & shoot as normal...Works great!! This stuff emulsifies BP on contact, without any scrubing needed.

My son's Remmy works good with 25 grains of 3Fg Goex and a wonder-wad and a .454 ball. Be consistant in how you seat the ball on the charge for maximum accuracy and have FUN! :wink:

All the best,

1eyedmountainman - I've used the pellets you are talking about under lubed Lee Conicals in my Pietta Rem. 58. They worked flawlessly, and at least in my gun held a tight group during a days shooting. I put just shy of 100 rounds downrange that day with very minimal cleaning. The only reason I stopped was I developed a blood blister on my shooting hand. I was so ashamed I didn't already have a calous built up there instead!

They are definitely not PC, but for a day at the range or in the field where a quick reload might be in order they are a kick to shoot.
