After seeing how lard shoots,this was a hygronated lard,i decided to try my hand at rendering my own lube.Dont figuare they had hygronated stuff in the old days.Aint no bear fat readly available here so i looked for either sheep or beef fat.Found the beef fat for 19 cents a pound.Bought 5 #.Followed some rendering instruction off the net an now have about 2# of beef tallow ready for use.Think next year i will keep all the fat off everybodys deer an render it down.Tallow is good cheap lube and if it worked for the old timers it will work for me. :winking:
Id go out an shoot some today but its hangen right around zero.Bound to warm up sooner or later i hope
Id go out an shoot some today but its hangen right around zero.Bound to warm up sooner or later i hope