What an ECI? A flag?
One range I used to shoot at, when they called a cold range, everyone put their gun down and stepped away from the benches until it was hot again. Didn't matter if the gun was empty, had half a mag or was just capped.
One range nearby had no protocol for dealing with me and my cap and ball guns when they wanted the actions open. So I used the stand to point it up. They called the range cold so often that I just finished loading before I had to lay it down and step away!
Out on the cowboy action range at another place, we would charge the cylinders at the picnic tables under cover from the sun and cap and shoot on the line. They had a conniption until I explained it to them. They also had near heart failure when we shot our pistols on the rifle range at 25 and 50 yards. When they fired the guy who let me do it there went my permission to shoot these things as they were intended! Knuckleheads I tell ya!
It also irks me to no end that the rules change with every visit.
I long for the old days when RSOs could think on their feet and treated folks right. Also long for the day when I can pop a rabbit from my front door on my own land! :hmm:
Nowadays, at my station I use one loading stand and usually have 2-4 sixguns for folks to shoot. My girls are nearby with their own stands and sixguns too. They used to use the same station but last time were made to separate for some reason. Anyhow, the loaded and capped guns are moved off to the right and pointed downrange with the hammer on the pins or in the safety notches. When empty, the hammer is at halfcock and this we teach to the RSOs for a visual check when the range is cold.
Sorry for the rant fellas! :yakyak: