Rich Pierce Flints

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40 Cal.
Jun 9, 2010
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I Am Using My Trapper Flintlock Pistol Alot More These Days. I Know It's Not The "Best" Pistol Out There But It Is What I Have For Now. I Love Shooting Flintlock Pistols ! I Have Actually Gotten Good (well, kinda anyway) At Using It. I Have Tried A Lot Of Diffrent Types Of Flints And Boy ! Is There A Lot Of 'Em !. I Have Tried The "Arkensaw Sawn" Kind And Really Hate 'Em. The English Type Works Well In My Gun But Is A Little Pricey. I Have Tried Other Types. I Have Ordered Some From Rich Pierce Because They Are Well Thought Of In The Forum. I Have Learned From The Forum That With Flinters, Real Black Powder Is The Only Way To Go. I Have Tried Pyrodex For The Main Charge And Goex 4f For Priming But The Delay (hang fire) Is Inconsistant With Good Marksmanship To Say The Least! Is There Anything A Newbe Like Me Is Missing ? Any Help Would Be greatly Welcome !
A Student nilo52
Flint pistols are difficult at best. Everyone has a bigger "wobble zone" with pistols than with rifles. I suspect that may be why so many of them were smoothbore without sights, they just didn't expect fine accuracy from pistols anyway. The only tip I can give you probably already know. Work up an accurate load from rest to prove to yourself that the gun can shoot. Then focus all of your being down those sights and train your finger to fire the shot when the sights cross the target. With enough practice it will seem like the gun just fires itself without conscious effort. Also, you can get a lot of practice time in at home with a good air pistol. It doesn't have to be an Olympic quality air pistol, Daisy makes a nice one. I think it's the model 717 single shot which retails for around a hundred bucks. And Have Fun! :thumbsup:
It would appear to me that you may be trying a lot of variances in the accoutraments, flint, powder etc for your pistol. I'm a fellow lover of the flintlock pistol and always have been. In my opinion, as long as your lock is tuned well and you have a decently knapped flint properly placed in the jaws with the right amount of powder in the pan along with the proper load everything else will fall into place. Use good basic marksman techniques and don't put too much thought into it. Once that round is out it's a done deal. Move onto the next one without thought of if you are shooting well or poorly in your mind. The guys already seem to have given you some great advice. Shoot consistantly then slowly tweak what you are doing if you feel the need to with the powder types and flints etc to see what your pistol and you like. Before long you will get your accuracy down to where you want it and have a great deal of fun doing it.
If you want to use a duplex load of Pyrodex and Goex BP,you need to put 5-10 grains of Goex 3f down the barrel before the Pyrodex (do not mix the two powders together). Do Not use the 4f in the barrel.This way it will fire off well and you can use up the Pyrodex you have and then switch to straight BP.
Thank You for the advice. this forum is full of kind folks. It is A great place to learn ! :bow:
Thank You for the thoughtfull advice. I have recently got some 'flints" (Burlinton chert) from Mr. Pierce and Boy !! Do the work good! I am determined to use his flints exclusively from now on. At least one variable has been eliminated. I am going to drive to Fresno tomarrow to buy some REAL blackpowder from Goex.
A Happy nilo52
Well, I went to Fresno today. Long drive (2 hrs) and when I got to Herb Bauer sporting goods they raised the price over a pre agreed-on price I got over the phone ! sales man did'nt seem to want to serve me, got the impression I was wasteing his time. I will not go back. Anyway, I now have 6 Lbs. of Goex 3f to play with, and am looking foreward to making some smoke ! :thumbsup: No more Pryrodex for me :grin: Just wish the Feds would make it eaiser to buy Blackpowder! :cursing:
Nilo. i'm sorry that you had to drive so long for such a basic supply of modern life as blackpowder... imagine if you had to go that far for fruit or a persian carpet or some fennel ... makes you wonder what our country is comming to ...

seriously- it's too bad but the lefties in (and out) of the beltway have determined that disarming the American population is 'in the public good...' and they will stop at nothing to do so (up to and includinn taking away our water pistols if we stand still for it). The only way to fix this happens on the second Tuesday in November.

as we used to say in Philadelphia, vote early, vote often...

I have to drive a long way, too, and i live here in Vermont, where it's supposed to be easy to obtain just about anything that goes 'bang.' The nearest supplier to me is about an hour and a half round trip, and in another state, so i get BP from the Track of the Wolf, but next year i'll be looking for a better price.

as regards rude salesmen- call 'em down on it... don't be shy: raise a fuss if you're being ill- treated. after all, you worked hard for that money, and if they don't want to have you spend it in their little store, you should explain to the management exactly why, and you should do it in front of as many other customers as you can, and you shouldn't use any colourful words, but you can get darned close. (not that i would advocate any sort of disorderly conduct, but don't take rude people laying down ... it just makes 'em think that they can get away with this behaviour and it makes it harder for the next guy.)

there are a bunch of supplier who will send you BP via UPS-FedEx, and the only downside is the hazmat fee, but if you buy a big shipment (i think 25 pounds is the limit) what you save on the cost per pound will pretty much cover the hazmat fee. try to link up with some other folks to get the best price you can and only get hit once for the hazmat deal.

i tried 'duplex' loads a long time ago, and went back to straight BP- the duplex worked, but it was a pain in the neck, and since i had to use PB anyway, i really don't see the advantage.

as regards flints, Rich Pierce's flints are great- funky looking but highly functional. the Black English flints are also very good- see what works for you and go with that. as regards the sawn agate flints, i cannot understand why anyone would bother unless there was absolutely no alternative. they are generally regarded as a big waste of time and my experience bears this out. (by the way, French Amber flints work as well as black english flints - usually- but they're wicked expensive, so unless you want to spend a bunch of money just to 'look cool,' stick with Rich Pierce or the Black English.)

your trapper pistol will provide you several lifetimes of service if you take good care of it, and once you get the load it likes, you will be surprised with the accuracy, even if it's not the most PC/HC gun around.

never apologise for the gun you have or the fun you're having shooting it, just go out and

make good smoke!

(OK- it's safe to come out now, the cranjy old man is done with his tirade)

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