Acording to the Third Edition Blue Book of Modern Black Powder Values, Richland Arms was a importer/distributor located in Blissfield, Mi.
You appearently have a "ANDREW TARGET" pistol. The book says they were sold in ".32, .36 and .45 caliber with a 10 inch octagon barrel, white steel hammer, barrel, frame, and sights. Brass trigger guard, adj. trigger and sights, blue and engraved, 2 lbs. 10 oz. Disc. 1994.
The book said the value was $195, 170, 135.
I'm not sure if this is what you really have, but it is the only single shot pistol the book lists.
They also sold the Walker, 3rd mod Dragoon, 1851 Navy, 1860 Army, 1858 Remington Army and a 1858 Remington Navy Buffalo Target .44 cal with a 12 inch barrel and brass frame.
Because your pistol is marked 44 cal, I'm not sure what it would shoot. The best idea is for you to try to measure the bore and let us know what it really is.
At one time, Dixie Gunworks sold .435 dia balls and these, with a thin .005-.010 patch should work in a .44.
Hope this helps.