I made one English pattern1776' Tower Rifle' as that's what we called it at the time I much doubt TRS have the parts for the German ones I made my own parts if used a North Star lock wrong but I was eager to make one . Bob Cheel had one he helped me with drawing and Kit Ravenshear supplied what he knew of rifles in Canada A Mr Bickle from Memory & the Stewart Museum fits in. Kit worked for him . I connected Bob Cheel to De Witt Bailey & Kit . De Witt thanked me as the two got on well their after . I am very familiar with the 1,012 Prince Eugene Rifles very similar but no swivel rod & variant mounts very like the noted Pistor rifle but had Bayonets these being circa 1799 if much the same style 6 or7 known survivors at least by me ,mine has number 147 similar ones are in His book they vary a bit but that's the hand made or contracted out variance youde expect that .Trust that helps .
Regards Rudyard