I've had a few requests for spec's of a stand picture I posted on another post. First let me say this isn't my idea I found this Picture on another websight. I'm sorry I don't know who to give the real credit to. Here's the picture of the stand I copied
Follows is a build list
1-2x4x36" Vice side
1-2x4x34" rest side
1-2x4x33" bottom strecher
4-2x4x4" foot spacers
4-1x6x18" feet
4-1x2x36" shelf sides
1-1x2x33" tool holder
2-1x4x33" shelf bottoms
1-3/8"x4" eyebolt
1-3/8" tee nut
1-3/8"x6" dowel
2-3/8" washers
bunch of 2 and 2 1/2 inch deck screws
A used belt from an endangered Nauga, purchased from the Goodwill
Some notes: The 1x4's may have to be planed to be same width as 2x4's. Pre-drill your holes for better clamping of the screws, and to prevent spliting. The hardest part is squaring the feet to the uprights, so take your time.
I also like to challenge anyone who cares to to Improve upon this design to add their two cents worth to make this a great bench. I adding a couple more pic's of the one I built and how I modified it. Oh yea, I have a gimbled beverage holder ordered to improve the quality of the work environment.
Follows is a build list
1-2x4x36" Vice side
1-2x4x34" rest side
1-2x4x33" bottom strecher
4-2x4x4" foot spacers
4-1x6x18" feet
4-1x2x36" shelf sides
1-1x2x33" tool holder
2-1x4x33" shelf bottoms
1-3/8"x4" eyebolt
1-3/8" tee nut
1-3/8"x6" dowel
2-3/8" washers
bunch of 2 and 2 1/2 inch deck screws
A used belt from an endangered Nauga, purchased from the Goodwill
Some notes: The 1x4's may have to be planed to be same width as 2x4's. Pre-drill your holes for better clamping of the screws, and to prevent spliting. The hardest part is squaring the feet to the uprights, so take your time.
I also like to challenge anyone who cares to to Improve upon this design to add their two cents worth to make this a great bench. I adding a couple more pic's of the one I built and how I modified it. Oh yea, I have a gimbled beverage holder ordered to improve the quality of the work environment.