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Gary, Try going to and click on Find A Club. Then go to PA and click on that. There you'll find a long list of muzzleloading clubs and many of them have websites. You'll find a lot of good info there.
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Subscribe to Smoke and Fire Magazine,

They list every event for every timeline in the United States. If you can't find an event in there it doesn't exist.

Many Klatch
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There are to many to list, but four come to mind in eastern Pa. Lancaster and the Eastern will be at Muddy Run park south of Lancaster Pa, Lancasters evernt is the end of April and the Eastern is in Sept. Also Jacobsburg north of Allentown has two nice events One in June near fathers day n another in Oct around Halloween.
Many Klatch said:
Subscribe to Smoke and Fire Magazine,

They list every event for every timeline in the United States. If you can't find an event in there it doesn't exist.

Many Klatch

I beg to differ. I do subscribe to Smoke&Fire News but of the four Rendezvous I attend every year in Colorado, only one is listed in S&FN. These are small Rendezvous of maybe 30-50 camps. You just have to attend one Rendezvous and talk to people and you'll hear about others. Many small 'vous are not advertised in any way, you have to get plugged into the community to hear about them.
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CoyoteJoe said:
Many Klatch said:
Subscribe to Smoke and Fire Magazine,

They list every event for every timeline in the United States. If you can't find an event in there it doesn't exist.

Many Klatch

I beg to differ. I do subscribe to Smoke&Fire News but of the four Rendezvous I attend every year in Colorado, only one is listed in S&FN.

They are not clairvoyant. :wink:

Here is how you get your events listed.
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Carl, The website address you posted makes it much easier done than said... Thanks
Le Grand said:
Carl, The website address you posted makes it much easier done than said... Thanks

I click is worth a thousand words (or something like that). :wink:
recommend you join PA Federation of BP Shooters. They put out a book listing all the shoots and vous' for the year.

Send your dues to .
619 N.10th St.
Bellwood, PA. 16617
Dues are now; $12.00 over 18
$14.00 Family
We kick off the season with the "Happy Canyon" rendezvous out of Montrose, on Memorial Day weekend. First weekend of August is Crested Butte, then "Bayou Salado" then "Como" which are both held in Lost Park, near Hartsel. The "College of the Rockies" is held about the same place but that's more of a trade fair than my idea of a rendezvous, too many rules and not enough fun, so I may pay a visit to shop for things but we don't stay there. We also don't do "frozen toes" in Feburary out of Ft. Luptin because, well, I don't like frozen toes! :haha:
there you go, i knew you were familiar to me with the 'summer only'! i've missed como and cb this year due to the unreasonably reasonable car crash injuries, but dis stop by the college, and i agree on the rules and regs side of things. frozen toes and couple others arround ft lupton are very sim to the clg, but it is fun to trade **** for crap and is close to me. god willing, this summer i'll be in cb, so we may meet on equal terms. :wink:
Carl Davis said:
CoyoteJoe said:

Actually, the thought of a secret, invitation only rendezvous never occurred to me. My mistake. :wink:

Well, they're not exactly "secret" they just don't advertise. Kinda like my own gunsmithing business, I only deal with people I know and thus I have time to work on my own stuff and to hunt and shoot. Those little rendezvous are as big as they want to be and as big as the space allows. They are a close knit family where everyone knows everyone else and that is part of what makes them fun. New-comers are very welcome but an army of "Flatland Furenurs" would spoil the event. :haha:
The Independent Mountain Men of PA. is a good club they hold two or three rondy's a year on their ground's around emlenton area. I stopped for a visit last year during a rondy in june everybody i talked to was real nice. they're listed in muzzle blast's and the rondy was listed in muzzleloader. I can sense your frustration,it is sort of a word of mouth hobby!