When I was younger at home we would butcher hogs and cure all our own meat. My grand daddy did the cure he used curing salt (now referred to as mortons quick cure), black pepper, brown sugar, and salt peter. This was placed in a thick layer on the curing bench, the hams and shoulders were then completely covered with this and placed rind side down on the bench, great care was taken to work the cure into the hock area. He would take a sharpening steele an run it into the hock as far as possible then pack the cure into the hole. The meat then rested 21 days and every day we would give it a quarter turn and rub the cure. After this period it was washed with borax not the soap type. A metal rod was run through the hock and the meat was hung in the smoke house for two days to dry at which time it was smoked using sassafras, then placed in washed clean white hog feed bags. this was all done during the cold months usually around thanksgiving. I seen cured meat done in this manner last for years.