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Moderator Emeritus In Remembrance
MLF Supporter
Oct 4, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
The "GUN DIGEST The Magazine , gives the current prices of various used guns and the October 13, 2008 issue shows the estimated prices for Colt's Cap and Ball pistols.

I figure you guys are wondering just how close to buying one of these your piggy banks collection is so here are some of the prices.

These show the price range from Good to Poor condition.

COLT WALKER-DRAGOON MODEL $300,000 - $50,000
FIRST MODEL DRAGOON - $40,000 - $3,000
SECOND MODEL DRAGOON $35,000 - $3,000
THIRD MODEL DRAGOON - $35,000 - $2,500
MODEL 1848 BABY DRAGOON - $13,000 - $2,000
MODEL 1849 POCKET REVOLVER - $1,800 - $300
MODEL 1851 NAVY REVOLVER (SQUARE BACK) $35,000- $2,500
MODEL 1851 NAVY REVOLVER (ROUND T.G.) $5,000 - $500
MODEL 1855 ROOT POCKET PISTOL - $6,000 - $500
MODEL 1860 ARMY REVOLVER - $15,000 - $900
MODEL 1861 NAVY REVOLVER - $7,500 - $900

Sorry but they didn't list the remaining C&B guns Colt made.

Now, where did I put that piggy bank? :hmm:
About twenty years ago one of our customers who had just gotten into muzzleloading came into the shop with a question. His wife had been out yard sale shopping and happened to see a ball&cap revolver for sale for $20.00 and bought it for his new hobby.
He brought it into the shop and ask if it were worth it and what it would take to get it in shooting condition.
When he pulled it out of the case I about fell over, when I recovered I got out the Fladerman"s and showed him what he had.
It was a first model '51 (square back) in near perfect condition. All SNs matching, still some signs of blue remaining, only the barrel wedge had been replaced. FOR $20.00

Shoot Flint
I would have loved to hear that!

Problem is that almost all of those listed either cost what my house cost, cost what my truck cost, or even my commuter car!!!!
Not that they aren't worth it but just goes to show what people are willing to pay for one of those fine pieces of history..
Come to think of it I don't think I'll even let my family heirloom Colt 1851 Navy go for even the cost of the Walker, too much family history with that piece "since 1859" to let go for $$$.
Buy now...with the 150th of the Civil War coming up, those prices are likely to go up 50% in the next decade.
Zonie, it's amazing how prices have escalated on the original Colts. Guess I'll hang on to my original '60 revolver a while longer; have seen them on auction sites for around $1000. Many years ago, I got another 1860 Colt at a local auction for $20, it was functional but dirty and had an ugly set of crude grips. The bore looked crusty but on closer examination, it was only the last couple of inches that looked bad. I did sell that one a few years later for $300, wish I had kept it now!
Hey "Z" you do know the copper in those are worth 3 cents now (the pre 1986 I think is the breaking line and a felony to send a load out of the USA. I've been reading for 2 or 3 years now that the 1849 with 200 kinds and more made than any other Colt they are a steal...with the buck what it is now :redface: the overseas ones are going to go up, I tryed to find a real 49 since the price on a good copy by Colt is around 550 but dang if I can find a real one in the price range you show. ( I'm sure they are out someplace I just have misssed them, or didn't try as hard as I should.) Fred :hatsoff: Hang on to those cents they may pass gold SOME day! :rotf: :shake:

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