school me on Triple 7 BP substitute

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user 52142

40 Cal
Dec 26, 2021
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No one in my small town carries BP, and it would be a 2 hour drive to a large town. Ordering BP is out of the question with the high hazmat shipping charges. One local shop does have ffg triple 7.

So can someone please school me on the pros and cons of using 777. I know that you need to reduce the charge by 15%, but thats about all I know.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

777 will work in most percussion guns, just use a volume powder measure, and don’t exceed max recommended charge. Never a a bad idea to reduce your starting load by 10%-15%.

If you want to use it in a flintlock, you will need a small amount of real blackpowder for the pan and a booster charge.

Just an FYI, I have found Hazmat fees to be around $20. Spread that out over 4 or 5 pounds of blackpowder, and really not that bad. Powder prices just seem to go up, so best deal you will get is likely today.
777 will work in most percussion guns, just use a volume powder measure, and don’t exceed max recommended charge. Never a a bad idea to reduce your starting load by 10%-15%.

If you want to use it in a flintlock, you will need a small amount of real blackpowder for the pan and a booster charge.

Just an FYI, I have found Hazmat fees to be around $20. Spread that out over 4 or 5 pounds of blackpowder, and really not that bad. Powder prices just seem to go up, so best deal you will get is likely today.

Thanks SDSmlf, Its a percussion rifle, I know shame om me for not being s flint......:doh:

I might just have to bite the bullet and order 4 can like you suggested.
I don't know how expensive 777 is, so compare the price with BP so you'll make a good choice. A percussion will do well with 777 and also with BP. Now if you ever get a flintlock 777 will be problematic; flinters are designed to shoot BP.
Not a fan. Have had ignition problems with two different percussion guns. Cost me a herd bull elk once on a misfire with a percussion gun. I am strictly black powder. I even use black powder in my inline. Always ignites. Hazmat fees do not stop me from buying the real stuff.
No one in my small town carries BP, and it would be a 2 hour drive to a large town. Ordering BP is out of the question with the high hazmat shipping charges. One local shop does have ffg triple 7.

So can someone please school me on the pros and cons of using 777. I know that you need to reduce the charge by 15%, but thats about all I know.

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Use but don’t admit it on a BLACK POWDER forum 😁
It can be had without leaving the house by ordering on this newfangled thing called the internet
It can be had without leaving the house by ordering on this newfangled thing called the internet
Yes sir you are correct. Was just hoping to save the hazmat charge. But I really want to stay with BP, so where is the best place to order from ?
Bud i have been shooting 777 in the two percussion i have a 54 and a 32cal. and all good with them. i did try different powder in them and took notes on them .These people on here are the best to help.

You are correct, I'm a newbie and everyone here has been great about sharing advice and wisdom.
Last time I checked, Triple 7 was going for about $ 35.00 a pound.
Black powder is about 20ish a pound. With the hazmat and shipping, you'll pay about that same 35 a pound. I'd rather have real black.

Good point deermanok. Now I just need to find a place to order from that has some ffg and #11 caps.
Yes sir you are correct. Was just hoping to save the hazmat charge. But I really want to stay with BP, so where is the best place to order from ?

I shoot nothing but the holy black. IF I was stuck in a position of having to order, I'd look for a NMLRA Charter Club near me OR a reenacting group, OR an N-SSA competitor (like me!) and piggy back an order with them. Hazmat is just a nuisance charge when you order 20lb at a time.
If you use any of the substitutes for Black Powder they have a higher ignition temperature than real Black Powder. Nipples like the Hot Shot nipple (there are others) were designed to put more spark from a standard #11 cap to the powder charge to ignite them. So I would suggest getting one with the same nipple threading for the gun you plan on using Triple 7 in. You can find them at Track of the Wolf. DANNY
Good stuff the triple 7 ive hunted and won alot of compititions with it..THE stuff is pricey...The best part is using it with all the old timers that dont know what it is..AS i win win with higher scores in line shooting..TERRITORIALS and fun turkeys shoots for prizes in the fall.ONE fun guys A good older friend picks up the can..HOLLORS whats this..THATS it has a non sulfur differnt smell..ONE guys down wind ..stops ..puts his nose in the air,,,and says,,,WHO,S burning dirty socks...That the greatest family tight bonds all from muzzleloading

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