Scored 300lbs sheet lead

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69 Cal.
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Central Cal
I've been buggin the metal yard for quite a while to find me some sheet lead. They finally called today and said to get over there quick. They GAVE me about 300lbs that came out of an X Ray room. Not sure if they felt sorry for a guy who shoots old guns or if it had something to do with lead being hazardous. Anyway I'm back to making BP projectiles. :thumbsup: GW
My rough calculations at .490 each would come out to about 12000 balls. That would last quite a while. :thumbsup:

I have started to make friends with the guys at my local junk yard and am hoping to have similar luck.

Good find, I am jealous.
I made friends with my dentist last week, scored 17# of pure xray lead. a small amount,but free just the same!
That sheet lead is mucho good stuff :thumbsup:
I was good friends with a major tire shop manager years back and still have about400# of wheel weight. the smooth bore loves it!
Wattsy said:
You lucky ******!

Thanks, I think. :hmm: :grin:
My last find of sheet lead lasted about 20 years. Course I wasn't shooting as much as I do now. Blame that on the ML Forum. :thumbsup:
Yup. Consumption adds up when you're shooting lots.

Right now I'm averaging right at 5 pounds a week. That would make your 300 pounds disappear in a little over a year rather than 20 years. If you're shooting lots, it may be time to give serious thought to recovering and reusing some of it.
My wife frequently tells me that if I get the lead out of my ass and I could shoot for 100 years!
BrownBear said:
If you're shooting lots, it may be time to give serious thought to recovering and reusing some of it.

Good point. I have an endless supply of wheel weights but pure lead is getting hard to come by. Would be tough to recover bullets shot at the range I go to. I do have a bullet trap that's not too portable. I frequently shoot at Buripity's place and could maybe leave it there.

Wouldn't want to recover the ones he gets from his arse though. :rotf: GW
I tried getting some lead from the scrap yard about 2 months ago & it was up to $1. a pound & out of my price range. Last week it was down to .70 a #. They tell me at the scrap yard this will go on for a little longer & then the bottom is gonna fall out of it all & things will be back to normal. The way I understand it, it normally goes in 8 year cycles (high & low) and thin past the normal expentancy of the high, so they think it will end soon.

If it goes go down again, I am going to buy a ton of it to add to my cache.

Course, I fully believe that some day my kids or grandkids will have to pay a hazmat to get rid of it, and they will also have to have to dig up my target backstop areas if they ever sell this place because of lead contamination...... :shake:
-----I have a sifter with 1/4 in. holes and sift the lead at a pistol range-this lead works-just a lot of dirt and jackets to skim --but free is free-----
Yeah, that's the way to go.

I built a trap and sifter that I can carry in one hand described with photos in this thread. If I was shooting on a range that was purely muzzleloading, I'd go ahead and shoot into the backstop and sift daily with my 3' garden screen.
That durned Buipity made off with over 10 lbs of that lead tonight. It was in the form of .535" roundballs. :thumbsup: I showed him what I know about casting. I think he'd still be out there runnin ball iffin I didn't need to hit the sack. GW
And Buripity sure does appreciate it! :grin: It was great to learn another chapter from the "How to Muzzleload" book by Grey Whiskers. :bow: It was a lot of fun. Having a knowledgeable and patient mentor in this sport is key. So if anyone knows where I can find one, let me know. :blah: Just make sure you can find someone who can stay up past 8:00 without getting tired! :blah: :rotf:
I got a phone call from my youngest brother one night. He asked if I still cast my own balls & when I told him that I do, he told me that he had some lead for me. He was on his way to work that morning & saw a roll on the side of the road. Somebody must have lost it off their truck. He stopped, put it into his SUV & took it home that night. I never weighed it, but the roll is about 5 feet wide & it was a real struggle to pick it up. FREE PURE LEAD........I'll take it any time! Thanks bro! :applause: :haha: