screw tops.........

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54 Cal.
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I have tried and tried...but I need someone to just do the screw tops on a couple of horns I have....not looking to re-sell them...just want a couple for myself~
anybody willing, pvt msg me, do you need the worn w/o plug or will with one be ok...I have both~ I can make rifles complete....but the screwtop eludes me :youcrazy:

please let me know.....
marc in tenn
well....everything....i don't have a heavy wheeled thingie to clamp or screw the horn in to turn it.....and i have tried to use a large tap and die....they just chew up the, i'm lost on how to do these i just thought i could get two or three done, then carve and plug them myself.........

I just have no idea of how to hand do them!
marc in tenn :surrender:
What you are wanting to do wouldn't be my thing, sounds akward. But it is yer thang and that's OK. Have you tried using a tap and die made for wood?
Another thought, cut the tip back a bit more and insert metal, like brass, and tap that then do the plug. A plug made of a hardwood, like Osage Orange, Ebony, etc. will thread just fine, or a hunk of brass will work. Don't make the threads too fine or you will spend all your time turning the plug in and out.
If nothing else, The Book of Buckskining III covers the subject. I don't have my copy handy at the moment but I'll try to remember to check later and get back to you.
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Tim Crosby has a couple tutorials on making screw tip horns over on the ALR in the Tutorial section under Accoutrements Tutorials. Real good stuff.

I'm no horner, but have heard from some that they use bee's wax to lubricate their taps and dies when doing this, though I don't know that Tim uses the stuff.

This is a project that I want to undertake sometime myself. Go for it and share your results. Enjoy the Journey, J.D.
putting a RR entry pipe is child's play next to trying to thread a horn end........ :surrender:

I just need more batteries for my magic wand I suppose........CAUSE I CAN'T GET IT RIGHT!!
I guess I'm confused, do you mean Screw TIPS or Screw TOPS? meaning the base finial being removeable or the tip itself?? one being horn the other being wood.....

in the end it doesn't really matter cuz I've never successfully done either!! :wink:
I think the others on this are more experienced than I but I used a metal cutting tap and die and I agree, the horn is delicate and you have to be very careful or you'll chip out parts of the horn thread or at least have rough threads. I didn't know there were tap and dies to thread wood.
I made a special jig with tubes lined up to drill the hole through the spout- so it would not be off center. On turning the spout I have a small home made lathe and it seems to work ok however this home made lathe uses a variable speed motor and I can slow it down. One of my local treasure troves is a used parts supplier where I can buy bushings, ball bearing, old electric motors etc- I've save a bundle making my own stuff and I can size it to my needs.
I like to use an adjustable 5/8 X 18 TPI die for external threads, put you can also just use a 2-2 1/2" X 5/8 X 18 nut and bolt to use as a tap and die. You want to keep the threads clean and cutters lubed while threading. In gets pretty involved to explain everything here, but you kind of get the idea!


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