Clean well between shot, and then always load to a mark. If you are shooting a flintlock, don't compress the powder charge. Stop the ball when you hear and " feel " the ball grinding against the powder. A " loose " powder charge actually burns faster than a compacted one in Flintlocks.
OTOH, if you are shooting percussion, then compress the load. Because a percussion cap INJECTS flame into the powder charge, you get better SDV when the powder is compacted. But, again, always load to the mark on your rod.
IMHO, compressing powder is vastly overrated when compared to loading to the mark for accuracy. It better to have a consistent length of powder chamber and PRB, shot after shot, to get repeatable velocity and a lower SDV for your shot string. I also recommend flintlock use FFg powder, because the larger granules of powder allow more air to exist in between them, while for PERCUSSION ingitions, use FFFg, because the smaller granules compact closer together.
Black Powder does contain all the oxygen it needs to burn, but the added oxygen in the flintlocks help the chain or " fuse-type"- ignition occur faster. Think of using a bellows, or blower to put more air into the coals of a forge, or even a camp fire you are trying to get hot enough to melt lead. Its the same principle at work. A flintlock fires without the extra oxygen. However, it fires faster with it. :hmm:
And, yes, there are plenty of Flintlock shooters who use FFFg powder in their guns. They are doing what they are used to doing: I am talking about maximizing the consistent speed of ignition in a flintlock.