I know I have the answer to this in my books but I wanted to ask anyway. I just got my large Siler lock in and decided it was time to get it seated into the stock.
The stock was pre inlet and ready to go for a Siler from TOW with only minor trimming.
After a little trimming I get the lock seated but I discover that the lock stands off from the barrel about 1/16" on one side. I came to the conclusion after eliminating the debth of the inlet as the problem that the hammer was making the lock stand out.
The next photo illustrates a tiny rub just forward of the hammer.
I removed the spring from the back side of the lock which allowed free movement of the hammer. As a result of the free movement of the hammer I could see the gap change as the hammer moved forward and back. Also as stated above the marks began to apear where the hammer was rubbing the stock.
Long story short here is the question(s)
The lock assembly should butt flush like a glove to the side of the barrel?
In order to acheive the flush fit with the lock to the side of the barrel light trimming of the stock is needed?
I know the is a really basic question but the lock area is not easy to hide if I make a stock to lock ****oo.
So do I just ever so slightly remove material to gradually seat the lock and acheive a lock to barrel glove fit?
The stock was pre inlet and ready to go for a Siler from TOW with only minor trimming.
After a little trimming I get the lock seated but I discover that the lock stands off from the barrel about 1/16" on one side. I came to the conclusion after eliminating the debth of the inlet as the problem that the hammer was making the lock stand out.
The next photo illustrates a tiny rub just forward of the hammer.
I removed the spring from the back side of the lock which allowed free movement of the hammer. As a result of the free movement of the hammer I could see the gap change as the hammer moved forward and back. Also as stated above the marks began to apear where the hammer was rubbing the stock.
Long story short here is the question(s)
The lock assembly should butt flush like a glove to the side of the barrel?
In order to acheive the flush fit with the lock to the side of the barrel light trimming of the stock is needed?
I know the is a really basic question but the lock area is not easy to hide if I make a stock to lock ****oo.
So do I just ever so slightly remove material to gradually seat the lock and acheive a lock to barrel glove fit?